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Christian Binary Political Outlook And Modern Freedom ',

Posted on:2002-04-26Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:R Y CongFull Text:PDF
GTID:1115360032953193Subject:Political science, political science theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The dissertation presents a systemic expounding of Christian dualistic conception of politics, its connotation and contents, including the analysis of dualistic character of man and man life, the observation and understanding of divinity and secularity of state, the separation between spiritual power and temporal power, ecclesiastical pow- er and imperial power, the things that is Caesar and the things that is God, and so on . The internal connection between Christian dualism and modern liberalism is revealed by the analysis of their logic relation and description of their historical con- nection, and by the transcultural comparison with the other two models of relation- ship between spiritual power and temporal power. The individuals and their rights are the cornerstone of political philosophy in modern liberalism of which the theoretic premise and spiritual basis is individualism. The reason why the liberal regard the individual as starting ?point and end is that Christianity provides it with premise in theory and deep sediment in culture. The contribution of Christian political philosophy to individualism consists in that it divides individual into spirit and flesh, and divides human life into spiritual and temporal aspects. By peeling off the former from the latter, and establishing the rela- tionship between man soul and God, it endows human spiritual life with certain divine character . So man possesses the independent value detached from the secular relationship, which exalts the value and dignity of human inner spiritual life to such a high level that it has never had before. Its transcending orientation of value brings human a new attitude toward temporal order and state. It attaches the liberal feature to individual spiritual inner life as well as accepting the secular institution of slav- ery. It acknowledges the equality of human in spiritual value on the premise of secular hierarchical order. In the meantime it separates human spiritual life from integra- tive secular society and endows it with the character of independence and individuali- ty, thus setting up ndividualism in the other world?which constitutes prerequisite of modern liberalism. Christian dualistic conception of politics is not only a kind of political philosophy, but also a model of political cognition, political belief and attitude of Christians. Such ?-? a belief and attitude are internalized into subconsciousness of the Westerners and pen- etrate the social ?political structure of Western society . Therefore a deep cumulation of political culture comes into being. The conception becomes matrix of political cul- ture for liberalism. The secularization process and the Reformation Movement of modern time de- stroys the church oppression on individuals . Christian individualism penetrates sec- ular sphere, and the transformation from he individualism in the other world?into modern civil individualism occurs. Christian dualistic conception of man is casted on the state and forms a new con- ception of state. Influenced by the Christianity, Westerner idea of state makes a dramatic change. Christian understanding of state is saturated with the spirit of dual- ism. By affirming the divinity of secular power and legitimating the existence of state, it resists the tendency of anarchism within the church. By affirming the secu- larity of the temporal power and the ruler, it restrains the state attempt of overstep-...
Keywords/Search Tags:Christian
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