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New Research On The History Of Wu And Yue States

Posted on:2013-02-07Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z P ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1115330371990057Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper uses comprehensively extant documents, unearthed documents and archaeological data,and fully absorb the latest research results to study some knotty problems on the history of Wu and Yuestates. In the course of the discussion,we firstly collecte comprehensively extant documents and unearthedliterature and archaeological materials on the history of Wu and Yue states, discard the false and retain thetrue, strive to keep research information true and reliable.This thesis mainly attracts three sections: a exploration to the history of Wu state, a exploration to thehistory of Yue state, and a exploration to the relationship between Wu and Yue states. Volume I firstlydiscusses the relationship between the Wu state established by Tai Bo and the Wu state in the South ofJiangsu,studies and discusses the locale of the Wu state established by Tai Bo,the surname of the Wu statein the South of Jiangsu,the cause and route about the leave of Tai Bo and so on. We consider the traditionalcognition that the Wu state in the South of Jiangsu is built by Tai Bo and Zhong Yong because they leaveto avoid misfortune is credible. the Wu state established by Tai Bo firstly locates the Heng mountainhereabout which is between the Jiang Ning district in the Nan Jing city of Jiang Su province and the DangTu county in the An Hu province.The generation and appellation about The kings of Wu state have always bifurcation betweenacademicians. We deem the phenomena that one king of the Wu state has several names is differentbetween Ming, Zi and Hao by means of comprehensive analysis of correlative extant documents,unearthed documents, and verify the Ming, Zi and Hao of several kings of Wu state. Besides, we clarifysome problems on the succession between kings of Wu state and the age of being a king of several kings.With regard to the change of boundary of Wu state,we firstly confirm the location of some ancientplacename,then make clear the particular process of the change of boundary of Wu state. Before the age ofShou Meng becoming a king, Wu state border upon Tan state in the North, Zhong Wu, Xu, Zhong Li, ZhouLai, Qun Su in the West, Yellow Mountain, Yue state nearby Tian Mu Mountain, Tai lake in the south. Atthe age of Shou Meng, Wu state control the place of Qun Shu which belong beforetime Chu state,and itsboundary already arrive the border of Chu state. At the age of Zhu Fan, Yu Ji, Yu Mei and Liao, the kings struggle near Huai River and between Huai River and Chang Jiang, capture the important town such asZhou Lai, Chao, Zhong Li in the East of Chu state, deliquesce the block which baffle west deploitation ofWu state. At the age of He Liu,Wu state annihilate Zhong Wu and Xu states, which extend the conditionthat Wu State exploit in the north afterward. Thereafter, Wu state continued to attack Chu state in the Southafter it scored the Chu great wall with Jin state. Although Wu state was forced to return to the East, but alsoChu state lost the strength to compete with it, and Wu state occupied the area near Huai River and betweenHuai River and Chang Jiang. The king of Fu Chai defeated Yue state at the Fu Jiao and occupied theterritory of Yue state,then gave feudality which is Hundreds of miles to Gou Jian, Continues to increasefeudality once more,restored basically the original territory of Yue state finally. Yue, Chu, Lu, Song and soon shared the territory of Wu state after Yue state Wiped out Wu state.The war that Wu state breached the capital of Chu state was a significant historical event in the latespring and Autumn Period, and Changed the strategy pattern. The pre-war generations of kings of Wu stateruled well and Wu state is a powerful nation. The generations of kings of Wu state implementedpersistently the policy that Wu state attck Chu state, He Liu carefully plan to defeat Chu state in particular.On the other hand, excessive punishment lead to huge loss of talent, which bring fatal blow to Chu state.The ruling class cut one another's throats to fight for power and money, and Converge excessively in orderto meet be lapped in luxury life, which greatly weakened the power of Chu state. Chu state lack of a clearstrategic planning to expand externally, and swing between attack in the north and east, which lead to thesituation that Wu state combined with Jin state to attack Chu state continuously. We Pointed out theinevitability that Wu state defeat Chu state through the investigation and comparison of the pre-warsituation of Wu state and Chu state, and analyzed the profound influence which the war lead to Jin, Chu,Wu, Yue, Qin.Volume II first discussed the lineage and appellation of the kings of Yue state. The appellations of theking of Yue state are often more than one in the ancient literature and unearthed literature. The appellationsare also different between Ming, Zi, Hao, Shi. Besides, we clarify some problems on the successionbetween kings of Yue state and the age of being a king of several kings.The same to the territory of Wu state,the territory of Yue state experienced a long evolution process.Before the late spring and Autumn Period, the territory of Yue state is vast area whose center is Taihu. But, with the growing of Wu state which is founded in Ning-Zhen area,the territory of Yue state near Taihu wasnibbled gradually by Wu state. The pattern that the South Bank of Taihu is boundary between Wu state andYue state is formed in the late spring and Autumn Period before the period of Yun Chang. During theperiod of Yun Chang, the boundary didn't change and Yue state started southward development territory tooccupy the whole territory of Zhejiang at the same time. After Gou Jian was defeated at Fu Jiao, theterritory of Yue state is occupied by Wu state. Fu Chai gave feudality which is Hundreds of miles to GouJian, Continues to increase feudality once more,restored basically the original territory of Yue state finally.After Gou Jian destroyed Wu state, the territory of Wu state was occupied by Yue state except the area theWu state firstly captured from Chu state, Lu state, Song state. After Gou Jian moved the capital to LangYang, Yue state opened territory through cutting Ju state and Qi state, destroyed Teng state,Tan state, Zengstate in the South of Province and upper reaches of SI River. But, with the decline of the cause of king, theterritory of Yue state in the South of Province and upper reaches of SI River was occupied gradually by Qistate. At the same time, the territory of Yue state in the Jiang-Huai River area was occupied gradually byChu state. After Qin state destroyed Chu state, the other of Yue state became a part of the territory of Qin.After Gou Jian destroyed Wu state, the cause of king is prosperous. After Ying moved the capital tothe capital of Wu state, the cause of king declineed gradually. Blind expansion eventually despite thestrength lead to continuously lost the territory, which accelerate the decline of Yue state. The ruling groupbattle for kingship which lead to successional slaughter is the direct cause of the decline of Yue state. Thebackward feudal system is the fundamental reasons for decline of Yue state.That Yue state is destroyed by which state and when is a problem that is in suspense public opinionsand in divergent for a long time. We did not know what course to take. In fact,Yue state once lost territoryto Chu state during the period of Chu wei wang and huai wang,but did not destroyed by Chu state. Chustate was destroyed by Qin state finally Until222BC.Volume III discusses mainly related issues on the relationship between Wu state and Yue state.According to historical records, during more than70years from544BC (Lu Xiang Gong twenty-nineyears) to473BC (Duke twenty-two years), ten wars happened between Wu state and Yue state, includingtwo war that Yue state attack Wu state following Chu state. In the wars between Wu state and Yue state,Yue state attack passively,attack following Chu state,attack tentatively,defeat Wu state independently. The performance in this process embodies the change of power between Wu state and Yue state. The tworeasons which lead to the power between Wu state and Yue state are: the power of Yue state strong hardlyafter Gou Jian returned; the power of Wu state is destitute because of the hegemony of war which last for along time and was launched by Fu Cha.The master of Wu state is called king in late Western Zhou Dynasty at the latest. When its nationalstrength is strong,Wu state broke Chu state,made Yue state surrender,controlled Qi state,threat Jin stateand dominate once. But Wu state was defeated continuously by Yue state which surrendered once in a shorttime and was destroyed finally by Yue state. Fu chai changed the cautious and pragmatic style of previousgeneration of kings of Wu state which combined flexible diplomatic strategy with war means, and exhaustall resources to build up his military power for dominance to other states regardless of the power of Wustate. The idea of Fu Cha appeared a series of major change because of the absence of clear guidingideology in the processing of the relation between Wu state and Yue state, firstly destroyed Yue state,secondly barren alliance after defeating Yue state, rebuilt Yue state again and stronged it. Fu Cha governedwell at the beginning of the reign to avenge the death of his father, however he showed gradually aluxurious and dissipated life after defeating Yue state. Fu Cha was eager for quick results and self-willedand chest no good idea on Wu state's hegemony. At the same time, Gou Jian had clear guiding ideology inprocessing of the relationship between Wu state and Yue state, all in order to save his state, for the purposeof the strength of it. After returning his state, Gou Jian sleep on the brushwood, govern well, invite men ofwisdom and Valor to his side, be able to accept advice from inferiors, develop and expand the nationalpower of Yue state and wait for the decline of national power of Wu state. Because of those, the nationalpower of Wu state turned from strong to weak and the chang of that of Yue state is on the contrary duringthe period from494BC to482BC.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wu and Yue states, appellation, Generations, Territory
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