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The Aura Of Waterilies

Posted on:2012-09-15Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J LinFull Text:PDF
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This thesis is about a research on the Monet's later-period work "Waterlilies" bases on the conception of "Aura" which mentioned in "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" by Walter Benjamin. The essay points out that Aura is a kind of unique atmosphere which emerges in Authenticity paintings. And "Waterlilies" by Monet which has this very atmosphere is a model work. In the age of mechanical reproduction, the aura of painting is fading away. Benjamin's argument lacks specific and targeted farther interpretation. Therefore this thesis targets on exploring the derivation and acceptation of the word "Aura", analyzing its relevant criticism, discussing the existence of aura from internal and external aspects according to some concrete works, especially Monet's later-period work "Waterlilies", and studying on "aura" in another point of view----the method of creation. In addition, by investigating chromatic light, mass-luminocity, time and light of life of Waterlilies, to do research on Aura in paintings and to discover the process that how object is turned into painting, which is indeed the research on existence of "Aura". In this way, to prove there are intuition and liveliness in "Aura". It is memory, time, doubt and decision that make up this unique entirety. "Aura" is something that artists can prove through creation but not a reproducible process. This essay also tend to solve the problem that discovery has been ignored, fine qualities has been forgotten and to let painting go out of the difficulties in the age of mechanical reproduction, to lead to more reflection and exploration on today's painting.The thesis can be divided into Introduction, Textâ… , Textâ…¡and Epilogue:Introduction briefly explains that Monet's later-period work---Waterlilies (altogether eight paintings) is a typical work of art which contains "Aura" along with introduction of the concept of "Aura" and intention of choosing the topic.Textâ… (Chapterl----Chapter2):The Fading-away "Aura"According to the investigation on derivation and acceptation of "Aura", to give an introduction of some relevant researches on it by Benjamin and analysis the phenomenon of the fading-away "Aura" in the age of mechanical reproduction.Textâ…¡(Chapter3----Chapter5):"Aura" in WaterliliesFirstly, analysis the Impressionism painting style of Monet before he created "Waterlilies" and both his internal and external preparation before creating his late works of "Waterlilies".Secondly, to explain how "Aura" is appearing in "Waterlilies" of Monet.The chromatic light (belongs to purity and color) in "Waterlilies", the mass-luminocity (belongs to mechanisim and trace) in "Waterlilies", then the time (belongs to timing and repeated condensation) in "Waterlilies", at last the artist's light of life (devotion to objects), using all these aspects to prove how "Aura" comes about. At last, analysis the art context in the age of mechanical reproduction, then explain that "Aura" is the fading ideality of classical art.EpilogueBased on the research on "Aura" in Monet's paintings, explains that "Aura" is not transcendent. Artists can see and experience to get it because "Aura" is indeed a spiritual entirety. At last, leave some opening questions to attract more attention and thinking.
Keywords/Search Tags:Monet, Aura, Waterlilies
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