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A Study Of Influence On Wang Xiaobo

Posted on:2012-02-14Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Q JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1115330338465553Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After passing away since the late 1990s, the writer Wang Xiaobo (1952-1997) has evoked great repercussions in Chinese contemporary ideological, cultural and literary spheres. Even the cultural phenomenon of so-called "Wang Xiaobo hot" has arisen. The paper focuses on the reasons why Wang Xiaobo could become Wang Xiaobo, including the Chinese and Western resources he accepted, their influence on him and why he has become Wang Xiaobo in the recent context, etc.The introduction part summarizes the current research, including some related research and main views of researchers in the ideological, cultural and literary spheres on Wang Xiaobo's thoughts and works, and attempts to investigate the particularity of Wang Xiaobo's works in the 1990s from the narrative angle. From the late 1980s to the early 1990s, Chinese literature was in a transition and various literary trends also emerged constantly. Wang's novels present a different style from mainstream literature in the 1990s in pioneer spirit, narrative structure, narrative perspective and language, etc.As a Chinese writer, Wang Xiaobo could never abandon his native resources. Chapter One discusses the native resources that Wang Xiaobo accepted. It dates back to his childhood when Wang Xiaobo first closed with the native resources. The childhood life established his initial psychological structure affecting his later literary style; complex life experiences sublimated his spirit and fed him with rich creative nourishment. An extensive reading broadened his horizons and enriched his liberal and scientific knowledge, which endowed his creation with a deep discipline accumulation. His works inherited the outstanding local traditional resources, including some Chinese traditional novels such as historical-biographical novels, short stories of the Tang dynasty, supernatural-evil spirit novels, civic novels and folk comic novels. The translated literature since the 1950s, as unique local resources, also deeply affected his creation, and the beautiful translation has become one of successful models in his future creation. In addition, Wang Xiaobo absorbed many useful means from contemporary films and TV art, which helped him produce works rich in properties like lively images and audio-visual effects.It is the Western resources that produced more effects on Wang Xiaobo. Chapter Two discusses the Western resources Wang Xiaobo received by various means, such as resources of the Western culture, thoughts, and literary ideas through family environment, education and reading. And on this basis did he develop a unique concept of literature and writing. Western resources affect and determine his style of literary writing ultimately.The intellectual family gave him free space for growth and produced positive effect on his knowledge structure, thinking mode, the broadening of his horizons and the establishing of some ideas. His wife Li Yinhe's sexual sociological knowledge and theory also produced important influence on his novel-creation. The Chinese and Western education improved his knowledge structure of "being good at both Arts and Sciences", helped form and enhance his scientific and rational mode of thinking. Through a lot of western literature reading did he complete self-education; Western classic literature enriched his spiritual world, and the Western thinkers and writers had a particularly significant impact on his literary creation.Wang Xiaobo held different attitudes towards the native and Western spiritual resources. Chapter Three discusses Wang Xiaobo's different styles of absorption and degrees of acceptance of the traditional Chinese resources and Western resources. Based on his history, reality, personal experiences and other reasons, the writer held critical attitude to the traditional culture, but absorbed selectively the traditional literature. The writer achieved his spiritual and writing resources mainly from the Western culture and literature, which resulted in writing predicament eventually (the creation entered into a bottleneck), which is also what many contemporary writers are confronted with.Wang Xiaobo being lonely when alive, has become popular shortly after his death and his public image has also changed greatly. Chapter Four mainly studies some background factors before and after the death, such as social thought, literary state, media and readers of Wang Xiaobo, and then explores the objective factors explaining why Wang Xiaobo has become Wang Xiaobo:what prompted "Wang Xiaobo phenomenon" to occur? What's the implied ideological demand? There are several thoughts fierce collision in 1990s china society, such as "Great Discussion on humanistic spirit" and "Cultural nationalism" "Postmodernism" "Liberalism" follows, Liberalism arising in the late 1990s excavated the thought value of "Wang Xiaobo's literature." The market-oriented and mediocrity of literature in the 1990s led to the so-called "literature crisis" while Wang Xiaobo's novels stand out with a literary style different from other contemporary literature. His sudden death being an event, the media grasped the chance and constantly propagandized him, which finally achieved the cultural phenomenon of "Wang Xiaobo hot" with young readers'worship.Chapter Five focuses on the significant influence of his wife Li Yinhe on his life thought and creation. As the writer's wife, Li Yinhe has played an irreplaceable role in his growth and affected his ideas, psychology in creation and the content of his creation. She has played an active role in propagandizing Wang Xiaobo after his death together with the media, and has made crucial contribution to the shaping of his image and the emergence of "Wang Xiaobo phenomenon"The Concluding Remarks sums up a variety of factors affecting Wang Xiaobo. The growth of Wang Xiaobo, a writer with liberal tendency, is determined by his family, society, education, self-reading and many other factors. Therefore, Wang Xiaobo, as is presented to the readers, is the product of the impulse of many factors and cultural powers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wang Xiaobo, resources, influence, Li Yinhe
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