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Parkinson's Disease Synphilin-1 Gene Analysis And Acupuncture Synphilin-1 Mrna In The Expression Of Affect

Posted on:2003-11-21Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1114360062995220Subject:Acupuncture and Massage
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Idiopathic Parkinson's disease (PD) is a slowly progressive disorder of degeneration of nerve system. Pathologically, the lesion, an eosinophilic inclusion, called Letvy body, was mainly found in the region of the brain called the substantial nigra, Recent studies found that Synphilin-1 is a component of Le\vy body and it works with a -Synuclein to promote the formation ofLewy's body.Since the pathogenesis of PD remains unclear, so far, all therapies are aimed at alleviating symptoms. Drug treatment could control the symptoms to some extent; it could not stop the natural progression of the disease. Stereotactic surgery is not always safe and is expensive. Brain transplant has the unsolved problems of rejection. The gene transfection is now only at the stage of animal experiment The traditional Chinese Medicines, and acupuncture, as age-old therapies have been proving effective in the treatment of many cerebro-vascular and neurological diseases and have been drawing attention of researchers, home and abroad. With the advance of molecular biology, the efforts are now focused on the study of pathogenesis ofPD and the effect of acupuncture on the disease.This study, by employing the techniques of modern molecular biology, explored the roles of Synphilin-1 in the pathogenesis of PD and examined the difference in the expression of Synphilin-1 mRNA in the cells of peripheral blood, in order to better understand the mechanism of neuron degeneration and mechanism of gene regulation by which acupuncture works on PD and to provide experimental and theoretic basis of the control of PD.1. The Analysis of Synphilin-1 Gene of PDThe study employed the single strand conformation polymorphism-polymerase chain reaction (SSCP-PCR) and analyzed the polymorphorism of 10 segments of whole length of Synphilin-1 gene (including introns and axons). The positive samples were further subject to DNA amplification and sequencing on automatic sequencing instrument to identify the mistranslation and mutation. Among the 508 cases of PD, 184 were females and 324 males, with age ranging from 22 to 84 years old 84 had family history.The maker used in the SSCP-PCR was 32P and all tests were performed in Laboratory for Radioactive Agents. Our study showed that 11 cases had positive results on segment A; 6 on segment B; 13 on segment 2; 7 on segment 3; 11 on segment 4; 6 on segment 5 and 1 on segment 6; 9 on segment 7; 9 on segment 7; 9 on segment 8; and 3 on segment 9.The above positive samples were subject to DNA sequencing and the results showed that PA23DNA axon 3 had sequence change of C729T on site 729, and PA55DNA axon 3 had sequence change of C5057T on site 5057. The one positive case also had base change of C1603T, but this sequence change did not lead to mistranslation ofamino acids. Intron A exhibited the same changes in 4 cases.Our study demonstrated that Synphilin-1 protein is associated with the development of PD. Its structure had complicated structural changes andpolymorphorism in different individuals with PD. In this experiment, polymorphorism was found in all DNA segments. DNA base change occurred in some cases, but no mutation and mistranslation were revealed, Synphlin-1 gene has nothing to do with the development of PD.2. Clinic Oberserve before and after Acupuncture Treatment for PD18 cases of PD, with age ranging from 46 to 75 years old 1 had family history. 12 patients were assigned to Acupuncture Group. The acupoints of Fengfu, Taichong, Anterior temporal line. The acupuncture needs left to remain in the points for 30 minutes. The treatment was performed every other day, with 10 times as a treatment course. After treatment with acupuncture, the tremor, muscular rigidity, bradykinesia were reduced to different degree. In some cases, the memory and sleeping were improved Sweating, fear, and other symptoms diminished The acupuncture could significantly improve the symptoms of the patients. In 6 cases in Control Group (treated by a -dopamine), the tremor, muscular rigidity, bradykinesia were also im...
Keywords/Search Tags:Parkinson', s
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