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"treatise On The Number Of Patients

Posted on:2012-05-17Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X GongFull Text:PDF
GTID:1114330371474373Subject:TCM clinical basis
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The deduction of concepts such as Yin-Yang, Five Elements, Eight divinatory symbols, so-called shushu, had a profound impact on all aspects of society in ancient China. From the march decision to the capital site choosing, the rise and fall of personal fortune to dynasties, the astronomical calendar to the various special technology, and so on, shushu had left a mark, without exception of Treatise on cold written in later Han dynasty. In Treatise on cold, there was both clear definition of Yin-Yang and implicit decisions of disease according to calendar and organs-pulse communication. Moreover, the disease classification cannot be made out without the guidance of yin-yang thinking, even the prescription medication was set by the number of Ho-Lo s tereotype. It can be said that shushu stringed the previous surgery medical consultation and experience of drug use together, which built a new diagnosis and treatment system.This doctoral dissertation is divided into five parts.Part I introduces the shushu theories and methods involved in Treatise on cold, i.e., Yin-Yang, Five Elements, gasification, Ho-Lo theory. Among these, Yin-Yang with common support has long been well known, so its description is omitted. Ho-Lo and gasification theories are relatively hidden thinking ways, which need analysis from concepts, contents and applications.Part II analyses pulse-inducing diagnosis method from the first three chapters of Treatise on cold, including Yin-Yang inter-operability and five elements resolution. It points out the shushu basis of Cunkou privilege and extends on the pulse selecting of domestic animals. To make a more comprehensive analysis, the version refers to the ancient Guilin. This chapter begins with the well-known theoretical foundation of pulse method, Yin-Yang overwhelming and five-element cross-affecting on the vein identifying practice. It notes that the primary purpose of identifying veins is to find out the thief and residual pulse. Furthermore, starting from the relationship between I-Ching eight divinatory symbols and heaven-earth six children, it reveals the thinking principle of Cunkou privilege to diagnose the troubles of Veterinary, which may tell the difference between human and animals.Part III corresponds six medians to six children of the universe, classifies diseases into 36-diagram by outer characteristics and deduces probable transmissions in certain conditions.Part IV illustrates the relationship between the efficacy of drugs, content taste, dose and syndrome and points out that the interaction of drug efficacy and dosage impacts the syndrome process decisively. This chapter clarifies the relationship between Shen-Nong Herbal Classic and Treatise on cold, and reduces the pharmacological status of four cl imates and five flavors. Effects of the drugs and dosage from the analysis of syndromes illustrate the relationship between effectiveness, dosage, prescription and the syndrome based on Ho-Lo mathematical system.Part V lists other applications of shushu doctrine in Treatise on cold, such as skin color telling, smell consultation, expression interrogation to understand diseases, the well-time of patients and the nine type water.Finally, this dissertation summarizes the innovation of things around six sub-pulse management,36-diagram of the syndrome, and drug dose-effect relationship by shushu reading. Next objective is studying syndrome images and comprehending research ideas and methods in analysis of the absolute drug dose with an improvement.
Keywords/Search Tags:shushu, Treatise on Cold, pulse, syndrome, dose
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