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Product Features Mining Based On Online Reviews

Posted on:2022-06-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H LeiFull Text:PDF
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The sudden COVID-19 epidemic epidemic has hit all walks of life,but Internet companies have ushered in development opportunities.This flu epidemic has completely changed everyone's work and lifestyle.After the outbreak,policies for isolation and fighting the epidemic have been fully introduced in various regions,and online shopping has once become the mainstream.Online reviews are not only an important factor influencing user purchases,but also an important resource for merchants to analyze users and products.In the highly competitive mobile phone industry,the higher profitability of the high-end mobile phone market has become an important battlefield for various mobile phone manufacturers.As Huawei's biggest competitor,after Apple launched the i Phone 12,Huawei launched the mate40 pro at the same price in order to seize the market,but the mate40 pro is not as good as the i Phone12 in terms of sales and user reputation.This article hopes to analyze the reasons for this gap from the perspective of user experience.Therefore,this paper proposes product feature mining and practical application based on online reviews.In response to problems such as difficulty in identifying user concerns and weak product competitiveness.Based on the online evaluation of users,sentiment analysis and text mining as the main theoretical basis,this paper conducts product feature mining on smart phones,combined with domestic and foreign experts and scholars to obtain relevant research results.First,preprocess the user comment text data obtained from e-commerce websites;then use the LDA topic model to perform product feature mining to identify the topics and features that users pay attention to,and then use the SVM sentiment analysis model combined with the Harbin Institute of Technology sentiment dictionary to analyze the polarity of each topic Analysis;Finally,weights are assigned to different stars and emotional words to calculate the emotional strength of each theme of the two products.For each theme,the emotional intensity of the two mobile phones is compared and analyzed,and the analysis results find the gap between the two mobile phones,and then provide targeted suggestions on the company's product design upgrades and customer service,helping companies identify user concerns,Improve customer satisfaction and discover competitive advantages and disadvantages of products,etc.At the same time,we hope to provide practical examples and reference solutions for online comment sentiment analysis for merchants and mobile phone manufacturers on other e-commerce platforms.
Keywords/Search Tags:Online review, Text mining, Sentiment analysis, Product features, Phone
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