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Location Privacy Protection Security Mechanism Under Cloud Service Environment Of Internet Of Vehicles

Posted on:2022-03-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2518306515464284Subject:Internet of Things works
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,with social development and technological progress,there have been many studies and achievements in the field of Internet of Vehicles and cloud computing at home and abroad.However,there are many security challenges in the Internet of Vehicles based on cloud services.For example,the location privacy protection of Internet of Vehicles has delays in vehicle communication task response in terms of architecture,algorithms,and security mechanisms,and the efficiency of privacy protection of Internet of Vehicles location privacy protection algorithms is low.Key issues such as high communication overhead with the security mechanism of the Internet of Vehicles.Therefore,it is very important to establish a cloud-based Internet of Vehicles location privacy protection architecture,improve the Internet of Vehicles location privacy protection algorithm,and form a more effective Internet of Vehicles location privacy protection security mechanism.This will also be the focus of the research in this thesis and will The difficulty.To this end,to address the issue of location privacy protection based on the Internet of Vehicles cloud service environment,and existing research,this thesis develops a cloud service-based Internet of Vehicles location privacy protection system architecture,and a Internet of Vehicles location based on Page Rank and differential privacy.The research on privacy protection algorithm,location privacy protection security mechanism of car network based on PR-Diff algorithm and ring signature strategy,the specific research work is as follows:1.Constructed a cloud-based location privacy protection architecture for the Internet of Vehicles.First,analyze the Internet of Vehicles architecture in the cloud service environment,and then build the Internet of Vehicles location privacy protection system architecture based on the central cloud,roadside cloud,and car cloud.Finally,considered the location service requirements,this thesis is based on the delay of vehicle tasks in the Internet of Vehicles Tolerance divides it into different priorities and allocates resources to them,so that the vehicle task response delay of the architecture is reduced.2.Designed the location privacy protection algorithm of the Internet of Vehicles based on Page Rank and differential privacy—PR-Diff algorithm.The algorithm uses background knowledge to predict the current location,uses the Page Rank algorithm to allocate a differential privacy budget for the location of connected car users,and then adds different degrees of Laplacian noise according to the privacy budget to complete location privacy protection.The PR-Diff algorithm protects location points,ensuring data availability under the premise of protecting location data privacy.3.Established a privacy protection security mechanism based on PR-Diff algorithm and ring signature strategy.First,the PR-Diff algorithm is used to protect the vehicle location information,and then the vehicle and surrounding vehicles are formed into a ring.Finally,the verification and encryption of the traffic information sent by the vehicle node is completed through the process of system initialization,registration,key generation and message verification.Simulation experiments show that the mechanism can ensure the security of information transmission and reduce the communication overhead of the security mechanism.Through experiments,it can be seen that the research method proposed in this thesis can reduce the response delay of the vehicle location task in the cloud service-based Internet of Vehicles location privacy protection architecture;it can allocate differential privacy parameters more reasonably,and improve the location privacy of the Internet of Vehicles.The availability of location data;it can effectively improve the security of the location privacy protection security mechanism of the Internet of Vehicles,and can reduce the communication overhead.It is extremely important to promote the research on the location privacy protection technology of the Internet of Vehicles,promote the application of the Internet of Vehicles and improve people's quality of life.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cloud Service, Internet of Vehicles, Location Privacy Protection, Privacy Protection Architecture, Differential Privacy, Ring Signature
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