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Design And Implementation Of A W2R E-commerce System

Posted on:2020-03-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2518306104498644Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of many e-commerce,the traditional circulation model of goods has changed a lot.The traditional circulation of goods is Factory-WholesalerRetailer-Consumer,and now the e-commerce models are mainly B2 B,B2C,F2 C,C2C,O2 O,etc.These models Almost all wholesalers and retailers are skipped,which has also led to a downturn in the real economy,especially in the fourth and fifth tier cities of our country.The study found that wholesalers rely on their professional advantages to build an Internet model with retailers,namely W2R,to form a value creation community with retailers,and to maximize the overall value creation ability of commodity circulation.This not only helps traditional wholesalers and retailers to the Internet Transformation is more conducive to the development of the real economy.The dissertation designs and implements the W2R e-commerce system with the background of fresh produce.W2R e-commerce system is based on Linux,with pycharm as the development tool,My SQL as the background database,Redis as the cache database,u WSGI as the web server,Fastfds as the distributed file storage system,and Haystack as the full-text retrieval framework.With Django's default admin as the background management tool,whoosh as the search engine,and Nginx as the static page server,virtual host and reverse proxy,the entire project is in B / S structure mode.The front-end interface of the W2R e-commerce system is implemented through technologies such as HTML5 + CSS3 + Java Script + Ajax,and the back-end is based on the Django framework,which is mainly developed using the Python back-end language.W2R e-commerce system mainly has four application modules: user,product,shopping cart and order.The user module mainly implements functions such as user registration,user login,user center,and recent browsing;the product module mainly implements functions such as homepage,product list page,product detail page,product search,product listing and removal,product review,new product recommendation,etc;shopping The cart module mainly implements functions such as adding a shopping cart,my shopping cart,and shopping cart products;the order module mainly implements functions such as submitting an order,order payment,and my order.W2R e-commerce system is optimized in terms of homepage data cache and page static,back-end database data backup,system load balancing,high order concurrency processing,and product search.Finally,the thesis tests the W2R e-commerce system.Through Django's built-in unit test module tests and functional test results,we can see that the system runs normally.However,how to design the system in terms of database design,page optimization,data caching,and high order concurrency needs to be further processed;in terms of system function design,such as user point rewards,coupons,membership level settings,product price setting by volume,etc.Can do better.
Keywords/Search Tags:Django framework, E-commerce, Wholesaler, Fresh
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