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Research On Education Blockchain Systembased On A New Smart Contract Deployment Model

Posted on:2021-11-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y TuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2518306050472024Subject:Computer software and theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Blockchain is a new system architecture that skillfully integrates technologies in multiple fields.It's decentralized,non-tampered,transparent and traceable.Smart contract is a computer protocol that can automate transactions.Its original intention was to automate the transaction process,but due to the lack of a trusted execution environment,it has been stalled.With the help of the trusted environment provided by blockchain,smart contract is introduced into the blockchain.By deploying the smart contract in the blockchain,the user can execute the smart contract in the blockchain environment.Smart contracts expand the function of the blockchain,creating a new situation for the development of blockchain and have also developed itself.Blockchain is not an architecture that natively supports smart contracts.Currently,only mainstream and emerging public blockchain development platforms can support smart contract.Self-developed blockchain systems that can provide smart contract support are rare.Therefore,the applications that currently can support smart contract are mostly limited to the several mainstream blockchain public platforms.For a self-developed blockchain system that is not based on a public development platform,the current support for smart contracts is to deploy smart contract code directly on the blockchain,that is,on-chain deployment.However,deploy smart contracts on the chain is narrow,and there are more problems in directly storing the smart contract code on the blockchain,such as bringing more storage pressure and calculations to all nodes on the original blockchain platform Resources are consumed,and the smart contract reached by a few nodes is exposed to all participating users of the blockchain.More importantly,the attack on the smart contract will also bring more attack risks to the original blockchain system.In order to solve the above problems,it is imperative to study a general smart contract deployment model for self-developed blockchain systems.With the help of sub-chain technology,this paper proposes a new smart contract deployment model based on sub-chain.This model separates the deployment of smart contracts from the original blockchain platform and deploys a smart contract on a sub-attach to the original blockchain On the chain,the sub-chain is only open to users who participate in smart contracts on the sub-chain.Further,this paper designs a dedicated record and block general structure for the sub-chain of smart contract deployment.At the same time,this paper designs and initially implements a blockchain self-research system,which provides credible certificates for students' achievements and academic qualifications for colleges and universities nationwide.In this paper,a new smart contract deployment model is used to design an extended function for the self-developed system to confirm its practicability of.The self-developed system takes advantage of the immutable nature of the blockchain,by uploading the student's grades and academic information to the blockchain,to ensure the authenticity of the student's grades and academic information,while providing external block information and student grades and academic qualifications Simple query of information.In summary,it gives the design analysis and specific model design scheme of the proposed new smart contract deployment model,followed by the demand analysis,summary design,detailed design and implementation of related modules of the self-developed blockchain system.Finally,a detailed system test is given.Tests show that the prototype of the system can complete the core functions of the system and solve some problems of the same type of system to a certain extent.
Keywords/Search Tags:Smart contracts, Deployment models, Blockchain, Non-tampered
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