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Research On IoT Privacy Authorization And Control

Posted on:2021-10-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S R ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2518306050466664Subject:Master of Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of Io T technology,Io T devices are more and more integrated into people's daily lives.However,while the Internet of Things has brought convenience to people's lives,it has also brought about many privacy concerns,such as the theft of private information and the abuse of private information.The root cause of these Io T privacy issues is that users are in a weak position in the Io T privacy ecosystem.Generally speaking,the privacy policy is formulated by the manufacturer and must be agreed,otherwise,the product cannot be used.Ordinary users do not have the right to speak in the process of formulating,modifying,and agreeing to privacy policies.The privacy statement is obscure,difficult to understand,and not obvious,which further leads to users not knowing the true status of authorization.Secondly,after the use of Io T devices,data transmission and storage are controlled by the manufacturer,and the user cannot effectively control the private information.When faced with privacy risks,users have no way to protect their data.To help users understand the current status of privacy authorization in the Internet of Things and improve their ability to control privacy information,this thesis studies the privacy authorization and control of the Internet of Things.The research is divided into two parts: the privacy analysis of Io T privacy information and fine-grained privacy control schemes.Extract the privacy policy in the Io T Control App,use NLP technology and text CNN method to process the text of the privacy policy,and analyze the privacy statement of the Io T.Secondly,the usage process and timing of privacy statements of Io T devices are summarized,a privacy authorization model for Io T devices is established,and privacy over-authorization collection is analyzed based on the model.Finally,the design goals of the scheme are proposed for the current user privacy control problem,and the critical modules of the system are designed and implemented.Experiments are performed in a real Io T environment to verify the effectiveness of the scheme.The main innovations of this thesis are as follows:1.The first research on the privacy statement of the Internet of Things.Based on the privacy policies extracted from the universal Io T control Apps at home and abroad,we can depict the current privacy statement status.The scheme designed during the analysis process can be easily extended to more Apps in the future.2.Propose and analyze the privacy authorization model of the Internet of Things.This paper summarizes the process model of privacy authorization for the Internet of Things for the first time.It proposes two necessary conditions for the production of the privacy information of the Internet of Things: data transmission of the Internet of Things and binding of identity information.Combined with the model's privacy override conditions,you can quickly find possible privacy override issues3.Design and implement a fine-grained privacy control scheme for the Internet of Things.We propose an available fine-grained privacy control scheme.Based on the analysis of privacy data,the passage of privacy data is precisely controlled.This solution does not require the support of manufacturers and can be added to any current Internet of Things system via a local area network.
Keywords/Search Tags:Internet of things, Privacy authorization, Privacy control
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