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Casework Intervention In The Emotional Support Of Female Widowed Elderly

Posted on:2022-11-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F T HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306779978189Subject:Economic Reform
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,with the deepening of my country's population aging,the number of widowed elderly in my country is also increasing.The female widowed elderly,as a special group among them,account for a relatively high proportion,and there are also various problems,among which the problem of lack of emotion is more obvious,which not only leads to a sharp decline in the happiness of the elderly in their later years,but also affects social harmony.Stablize.The author sorted out the related researches on female widowed elderly and found that the current research on this topic is still in-depth and there are many deficiencies,so this topic is realistic and urgent.As a helping profession and profession,social work can use scientific theories and methods to improve the problem of insufficient emotional support for female widowed elderly,relieve grief,and provide psychological counseling and emotional support.This study takes the elderly x as the research object.Under the guidance of social support theory,through participatory observation method and in-depth interview method,we understand the current situation and problems of emotional support of service objects.The emotional problems are mainly reflected in three aspects: the death of the wife makes Clients are in a state of sadness and depression,unable to adapt to living alone after widowhood;because their daughters work outside the home,clients lack family companionship,and the parent-child relationship is estranged;client communication with neighbors and agency staff is reduced,and interpersonal relationships are weakened;lack of corresponding social support.On this basis,the author adopts the method of case work to intervene,and constructs a relatively complete emotional support network for the service objects from the micro,meso,and macro levels.Finally,it puts forward feasible suggestions on the emotional support of female widowed elderly.First,get the support of family relatives,give the client more companionship and understanding,and feel the psychological loneliness and sadness of the client with empathy.Second,strengthen the construction of senior social work talent teams,encourage them to intervene in the families and lives of widowed elderly people,help widowed elderly people get out of their predicaments,and use community,group,individual case and other methods to provide assistance to the elderly.Third,give full play to the role of the government at the social level,and formulate and improve relevant laws and regulations for the elderly according to the characteristics of the elderly.Advocate to change the concept of marriage among the elderly,provide marriage and love guidance services,and create more convenient conditions for helping the widowed elderly to remarry.Establish a long-term mechanism for helping the elderly,further promote the participation of female widowed elderly people in emotional support,improve the elderly care service system,and improve the happiness index in old age.
Keywords/Search Tags:casework, female widowed elderly, emotional support
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