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Research On Labor Education In Colleges And Universities In The New Era

Posted on:2021-04-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H YinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306311972769Subject:Marxist theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As socialism with Chinese characteristics enters a new historical stage,the development of Chinese society has presented a series of new development trends and characteristics.The socio-economic development has put forward higher requirements for workers and brought new historical missions for college students in the new era.The content is to cultivate the ability of college students in aspects such as ideas,emotions,will,knowledge and skills.Aim to improve relevant qualities,and meet the needs of society for knowledge-based,skill-based and innovative laborers.Pursue the value of carrying forward the spirit of labor and cultivating labor models.Labor education for college students is needed by the times,but in actual situations,the labor quality and ability of college students is far from meeting the needs of the country for talents,and it cannot fully meet the requirements of social development for workers.Labor education for college students still has a long way to go.The article takes the new era of college labor education as the research direction,through comparative analysis of related concepts,highlights college labor education.It is based on Marxist labor education theory and Xi Jinping's labor education thought.In order to further highlight the importance of labor education in the new era,a simple analysis of its necessity is made.Through layer-by-layer analysis,the above contents are included in the relevant overview of labor education in universities.On this basis,it is further clarified that the goal of college labor education in the new era is to train excellent talents for comprehensive development,and build an army of knowledge-based,skill-based,and innovative laborers.In addition,college labor education in the new era must adhere to the principles of ideological,systematic,developmental and innovative.Taking into account the word "education",especially from the perspective of the psychological structure of students' education,Starting from the four perspectives of training college students' labor concepts,emotions,will,knowledge and skills.It interspersed the labor character required by the times and briefly explained the main content.This article adopts literature research method and systematic analysis method.Based on learning and summarizing the predecessors' excellent theoretical achievements,this paper analyzes the main "time series" of colleges education,families education and social education,and the characteristics of college students receiving labor education.From the perspective,it analyzes the places that colleges and universities need to improve in labor education,and according to the reasons,deepens the role mechanism of colleges and universities in labor education;perfects the mechanism of labor education in colleges and universities;and builds a communication between universities and other education micro-environments.Starting from the above three aspects,it explores the feasible ways to strengthen labor education in colleges and universities in the new era.
Keywords/Search Tags:new era, colleges and universities, college students, labor education
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