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A Study Of The Internal Logic Of The Transformation Of Marx's View Of The State

Posted on:2022-10-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X C LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2516306722489644Subject:History of development of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Marx's view of state has experienced a long and difficult transformation process,from Hegel's rationalist view of state to the unitary framework of civil society,and then to the theory of state extinction.After two transformations,Marx's theory of state has finally formed a complete theoretical system.Throughout the historical process of the transformation of Marx's view of the state,we will find that there are distinct logical clues running through it.In his early days,Marx followed Hegel's thought and was a believer of Hegel's rationalist view of the state.He believed that the state was the embodiment of lofty rationality and the state decided the operation of civil society.In the Rhine period,Marx experienced the cruelty of the real society and began to doubt the authority of the state.He criticized the Prussian government's criminal act of exploiting and oppressing the people many times.At the same time,Marx also doubted Hegel's state authoritarianism in theory.He did not agree with Hegel's view that the state was the embodiment of absolute spirit Point.In this way,based on the double confusion of theory and practice,Marx began to shake Hegel's rationalist view of state,and began to rethink the problem of state.After the Rhine was closed down,Marx retired to Croznaher town and began to devote himself to the study of Hegel's thoughts and historical works.During this period,he wrote the critique of Hegel's philosophy of law,criticized Hegel's rationalist view of state,and began to walk on the road of materialism.His view of state also began to turn to the direction of materialism.In the period of German French Yearbook,through the investigation of the Jewish problem in German Society and the thinking of political liberation and human liberation,Marx realized the break with Hegel's view of state in the framework of duality,turned to the unitary framework of civil society,and came to the conclusion that civil society determines the political state.If we want to show that civil society can play a decisive role,we must prove that civil society is a field with universality.Therefore,in the introduction to critique of Hegel's philosophy of law and the manuscript of economics and philosophy in 1844,although they are written from different dimensions,they all revolve around an important mission,that is,to find the place of universality of civil society I'm here.Therefore,it is not difficult for us to see that Marx's first study of the concept of state was still carried out in accordance with Hegel's logical thinking of the unity of particularity and universality.It was not until the period of German ideology that Marx's research thinking changed.As for why it changed,it is closely related to the change of Marx's overall research thinking.In the period of German Ideology,Marx's thought began to mature and established the research idea of materialist historical view.His view of state was inevitably influenced by this research idea,from seeking the unity of political state and civil society to the theory of state extinction.It can be said that the two logical ideas running through the transformation process of Marx's view of state are very clear.Because the second transformation of Marx's research thought took place in the mature period of his thought.After the German Ideology,Marx finally established the thought of the state extinction,and further proved it by analyzing the capitalist society in the capital.Therefore,the paper studies and writes on the internal logic of Marx's view of state.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marxist national view, Civil society, Political state, Historical materialism, National extinction
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