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Research On The Management Power Of Procuratorial Administrative Affairs

Posted on:2021-02-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J QiFull Text:PDF
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To strengthen the party's unified leadership in the judicial field,the organization system of our country's procuratorates followed the administrative organization system before the reform of the judicial system.The operation of procuratorial power is affected by local forces and administrative intervention,which has a negative impact on the independent operation of procuratorial power.To promote the legal operation of procuratorial power,after the 18 th People's Congress,China proposes "judicial responsibility system reform",the keynote of judicial operation of procuratorial power has been established.Since then,the reform plan for "separation of two powers" has been clarified,providing a solution to solve the problem of the confusion between the procuratorial power and the procuratorial administrative power.However,in the reform process,due to the unclear boundary between procuratorial administrative power and procuratorial power,there is still a lack of an independent and efficient management system for procuratorial administrative affairs.So,under the scope of the current reform of "separation of two powers",this article starting from the definition and operation logic of the power of procuratorial administrative affairs management,and based on the theoretical basis of "separation of the two powers" and the transformation and development of procuratorial administrative power,analyzing the current problems in the practice of procuratorial administrative power.After comparatively analyzing the foreign "separation of two powers" model and micro-systems,this article evaluates our country's "separation of two powers" model and provides a proposal on the development of the management power of procuratorial administrative affairs This article is divided into five chapters:Chapter 1 is the introduction.Based on the background of our country's judicial responsibility system reform and guided by the policy of "separation of two powers",we combining with the problems of the basic-level procuratorate of S Province and C City,comparing and studying the foreign "separation of two powers" model and the procuratorial administration management system.Providing the "Separation of Two Powers" model and solutions for promoting the improvement of the procuratorial administrative power system.Chapter 2 elaborates on the definition,characteristics,operational logic and theoretical basis of the power of procuratorial administrative affairs management.It is proposed that the operating characteristics of the specific powers of the procuratorial administrative affairs management should be determined based on the close relationship with the procuratorial power,in order to achieve the goal of independent and efficient operation of service inspection power,Chapter 3 mainly based on the historical evolution of our country's basic-level procuratorial administrative affairs management,focusing on analyzing its actual problems after the judicial accountability reform.Chapter 4 compares and analyzes the "separation of two powers" model in foreign countries,which should adhere to basic political principles and the reform of the judicial responsibility system.It is proposed that the micro-system should be guided by the judicial operation of the procuratorial power and draw on the superior experience of foreign personnel,property management,and case supervision and management.Chapter 5 mainly proposes suggestions.At the macro level,comparing and evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of the system design of "separation of two powers".At the micro level,suggestions including institutional setting,human,financial and property management,and procuratorial power supervision.
Keywords/Search Tags:Procuratorial administrative power management, Prosecutorial power, Separation of Two Power
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