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An Analysis Of The Legal Issues Of Online Live Rewarding

Posted on:2022-01-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y K LiuFull Text:PDF
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In recent years,the network broadcast industry has developed rapidly.Last year,according to the National Bureau of Statistics,the national culture and related enterprises above designated size in the first quarter revenues fell 13.9% year-on-year,but the cultural industry,including live webcast industry features more obvious 16 new industries of small class implements the business income is 523.6 billion yuan,increased by 15.5%,visible in the whole cultural industry affected by the epidemic situation,live online industry not only affected by large,it is on the rise,the rise of the network broadcast industry is an irreversible trend.However,it should not be ignored that,with the increase of the income of the network live broadcast industry,the disputes arising from the network live broadcast reward also increase significantly,including the issue of the reward of minors,"adventure reward" and the emerging "live broadcast with goods" mode reward and so on.The issue of reward in network live broadcasting has increasingly become a concern of the country and the society,and the types of reward disputes are becoming more and more diversified.Problems in practice include not only the issue of reward among minors and improper reward,but also the "overturning" of goods in network live broadcasting,the dispute between anchors and "the first emperor of list",etc.It can be seen that the focus issues brought about by the rapid development of emerging industries are complex and diverse.The legal nature of the reward behavior,the improper issue of minors and the problems involved in the reward under the new business model are all problems that cannot be ignored and need to be solved urgently.In this article,we will in the first part of the way through the statistical analysis of the type case,to distinguish between types of case comparison,found live online play to admire the focus problems in the practice,in the second part according to the concept of different academic point of view to analyze problems,at the same time read the legal problems emerging live exceptional patterns,in the last part puts forward related regulation,put forward the solution of from theory to practice,and under the law of the People's Republic of China civil code Suggestions for perfecting the relevant judicial explanation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Network broadcast reward, Legal nature, Act of gift, Consumer behavior
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