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Civil Rights Of Human Gene Providers

Posted on:2022-05-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2516306323450874Subject:Civil and Commercial Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In view of the frequent infringement cases of human gene providers' rights in recent years,this paper studies the protection of human gene providers' civil rights from the perspective of civil law.This paper is divided into five parts.The first part,introduction,mainly expounds the purpose and significance of the research.The first chapter is the necessity of the existence of civil rights of human gene providers and the difficulties in the process of power.Mainly from the background of the frequent occurrence of human gene cases in recent years and the legal basis of human power as civil rights,as well as the analysis of the existing legal theory,it is concluded that the civil rights of human gene providers should be clear,and the necessity of their existence should be proved.After proving the necessity of its existence,this paper analyzes the difficulties in the process of human gene provider's right,mainly summarizes the obstacles in the process of human gene provider's right from three aspects: unclear legal attribute positioning of gene,unclear subject positioning of gene right,and lack of current law.The second chapter analyzes the content of the human body provider's rights one by one,mainly including the right of informed consent,gene privacy,gene equality,independent decision-making and interest sharing request,and so on.The third chapter: through consulting materials,combing and summarizing the relevant foreign legal documents on the protection of human gene providers' rights,listing the current situation of the protection of human gene providers' rights in the United States,Japan,France and other countries,and then summarizing the current situation of the protection of Human Gene Providers' civil rights in China.Chapter four: through the above carding,it summarizes the loopholes and defects in the protection of human gene providers in China,gets inspiration from the protection status of foreign countries,and puts forward suggestions for improving the civil rights protection of human gene providers in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Human gene, human gene provider, civil rights, gene right
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