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On The "Reader Crisis" Of New Poetry (1976-2019)

Posted on:2022-08-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2515306722975099Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
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Chinese new poetry has a history of more than one hundred years.However,as one of the four major styles,poetry does not seem to be as widely welcomed and recognized as novels and prose styles in the current situation.The argument that new poetry loses its readers and faces a crisis has been hovering over the poetry world.The development of a style without a certain reader base as a support,its prospects are indeed suspicious,and its legitimacy is difficult to prove.A popular view is that the loss of readers of new poetry,or the "marginalization" of new poetry,began with the social transformation at the turn of the 1980 s and 1990 s.However,it is not difficult to find after carefully combing the expressions of poetry readers since the new era.As early as the end of the 1970 s,the argument that new poetry is facing a "reader crisis" has emerged.Obviously,the existing popular interpretation framework is not enough to perfectly explain the "reader crisis" phenomenon of new poetry,or in other words,the fact-based judgment of its argument itself is suspicious.Therefore,this article will re-discuss this proposition from the following three levels:First,examine the starting point of "reader crisis" and the factual validity of the empirical judgment of "reader crisis" from two aspects: discourse textual research and data empirical research.Furthermore,it critically combs the existing analysis path of "reader crisis" and points out the cognitive limitations of the era and the theoretical dilemma of new poetry centralism.Finally,this article will look at the overall view of the history of new poetry from the reader structure and the legitimacy of new poetry The perspective of relevance changes reinterprets the "reader crisis" phenomenon in new poems.In the first chapter,through careful textual research,this article questions the "90s turning theory" and traces the starting point of the new poetry readers' crisis back to the end of the 1970 s.Afterwards,we made a historical review of the expressions about the acceptance of new poems since 1976,In order to present a relatively complete,polysemous,and sufficient current state of acceptance of new poems to dialogue with the single "crisis theory".The inconsistencies in the expression of the acceptance status of new poetry readers in various periods suggest the limitations of empirical judgments in time point.Therefore,the second chapter of this article,through the sorting and analysis of data,restores the approximate number of new poetry readers under various indicators since 1976.Trend.The data results show that under indicators such as the sales of poetry collections and magazines,the number of readers has indeed shown a downward trend in the past forty years.However,the "sales miracles" that have appeared from time to time and the growth of poetry creation and non-traditional communication since the new century have also shown this.The result poses a certain challenge.The "reader crisis" has a certain generality as a description of the situation of new poetry readers in the past decades,but it should also be questioned.In the third chapter,this article critically combs the discussion about the "reader crisis" of new poems that has appeared in more than 40 years,and points out that "the literature of people"and "people's poetics" are hidden behind the theory of "reader crisis"."The concept of "pure literature" and the holistic view of literature,elite culture and popular culture have repeatedly confronted each other.It is precisely in this confrontation that the "reader crisis" theory has been continuously misappropriated,thus showing its complexity.Furthermore,this article proposes that the hidden poetic-centrism perspective behind these theoretical discourses has prevented the discussion from reaching the core of the "reader crisis" problem,and has always been trapped in the entanglement of poetic artistry or the poet's creative autonomy.In the fourth chapter,this article jumps out of the original interpretation framework,from the perspective of the changes in the structure of the reader community,and considers the changes in the readers of new poetry since 1976 in the overall history of new poetry.By comparing the relationship between the reader group structure before and after the "crisis" and the legitimacy of new poetry,this article believes that the "reader crisis" that has generally appeared in the poetry world since 1976 stems from the "political elite guiding" reader structure leading to the "cultural elite" reader structure.The transformation of the reader structure of the “cultural elite-guided”reader structure to the “parallel structure”.Looking at the changes in the structure of readers over the past century,this article concludes that new poetry based on the structure of guided readers has always been difficult to establish its widely accepted tradition.This exogenous legitimacy is fragile.With the disappearance of the guided structure,its propagation possibilities have been exhausted.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese New Poems, Reader Crisis, Legitimacy of Chinese New Poems
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