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A Study Of Political Aesthetics On Taotie Patterns On Shang And Zhou Bronzes

Posted on:2022-05-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W W RenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2515306722974489Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In ancient times and even in the pre-Qin period,implements were one of the important media of condensing aesthetic life.On the one hand,implements are to meet the needs of people's life,and on the other hand,they also convey their political aspirations and aesthetic ideas.Bronze ware is an important representative of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties.As we all know,bronze ware in the process of Chinese civilization,is not only a symbol,but also a symbol of the factor.The emergence and development of the Taotie pattern,which appeared earlier and lasted for a long time and was applied to the bronze ware,was also the need of the social ruling class at that time.Taotie pattern is a typical pattern on bronze vessels in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties.Its pattern is ferocious and monstrous.The ruling class consolidated the political power,gathered people's hearts and established fictitious real power by attaching it to the bronze ritual vessels.The Taotie pattern takes advantage of the political attributes of the bronze ware to expand its territory and expand its territory,depending on the political attributes of the bronze ware itself.As a symbol of the status of the ruling class,the sacrificial vessels group centered on wine vessels became the earliest bronze sacrificial vessels group in China.The process of production and use of bronze ritual ware is strictly regulated: custom production,exclusive to the monarch,orderly regulation,fixed occasions......Bronze ritual ware establishes a complete power system,manifests its own power attribute.Rital vessels are used for sacrifice,and sacrifice needs to transmit the mission of gods' ancestors from above and convey political orders from below.In this process,Taotie pattern becomes a medium to outline the possible world of divinity upward,and opens a new art of political domination through ritual system and procedure of sacrifice.The appearance of the fictitious Taotie pattern is the representative of political discourse power in essence.From the series of changes of Taotie pattern,we can clearly see its own attribute of political attachment.The construction of political authority in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties is an imaginative element.It is described as "imitating the various elements,as if they were suitable for the things,and therefore as the images".The image to the full meaning is an ancient Chinese expression.The Taotiao pattern was carved on the ancestral temple of the Shang and Zhou dynasties.It is an illusion construction between the void and the real,a real and necessary fiction,trying to reach a definite destination.In the face of the powerless and terror of nature,all kinds of natural phenomena are likely to become the rulers of the use of objects.Since the masses could not predict evil,they could only ask the gods for their blessing.The appearance of the gluttonous pattern is the connection between the natural phenomenon and the human politics,which is dependent on the symbol and power of the gluttonous pattern as a political symbol.In this activity of sacrifice,the political discourse power is constructed between the real and the false.The political authority attribute of Taotie pattern cannot be separated from the imagination of the creator,because the fiction itself needs imagination.The Taotie decoration itself is the author's imagination based on the awe of nature.The potential origin of the fictitious behavior of Taotie pattern is poetic thinking.The creators of our ancestors were poets and philosophers in a sense,and they created things with a poetic thought,a metaphorical principle,and they created the most primitive and crude forms of all disciplines.The so-called "poetic nature" is the creative imagination of people,or "to create by imagination",so poetic thinking is a kind of highly developed imagination thinking,is very perceptual.Taotie pattern,as an intermediary,builds up a space and time full of divinity,and looks down on the emotional world of the great people.Poetic thinking has something in common with mythological thinking.The writers of Taotie pattern created mythological space-time with poetic thinking and established the laws of natural heaven and earth as well as the gods that ruled the world.This kind of poetic thinking is romantic and magnificent while advocating rational order.The creators of the Taotie pattern,the ruling class,were more poets and artists than politicians.They are well aware of the nature of human nature and use the collective unconscious to guide the people consciously by individuals.As guides,they wear masks instead of gods and at the same time they are in the realm of selfdeception.A virtual image created by the governed and the recipient in the real world are in opposition to each other in the political field.It is a confrontation between the virtual and the real,and a collision of different aesthetic experiences.In reality,the two are the tragedy of life beyond my control,but in fantasy,they are willing to obey.The awakening of man's theme breaks the confrontation between illusion and reality,truly embodies the affirmation of man's subject and begins to fight against the chains of the divine world.The fate change of Taotie pattern is the embodiment of the aesthetic tension in the process.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bronze ware, Taotie pattern, politics, ritual, aesthetic
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