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A Study Of Self-cultural Identity In Modern Pottery Creation

Posted on:2022-04-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M Q u r a t U l A i n Full Text:PDF
GTID:2515306536958519Subject:Ceramic design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The concept of identity is not unfamiliar in societies,it is the basic question that everyone faces as an individual and society.Over the centuries,art and design have made great contributions to the expression of people's identities.However,societies built around culture,religion,traditional norms and their sensitivity build their identity around it.Therefore,each age group and generation has its own set of rules and regulations for expressing identity.Compared with traditional forms,modern art creation has formed more diversified forms of expression that include new ideas.Because modern art can freely adopt different forms of expression,it exhibits stronger artistic expression and richer creativity in practice.This research involves the representation of identity and its influence on Pakistan's modern art creation,as well as the conscious and subconscious influence of traditional heritage on Pakistani artists.According to the artist's aesthetics and vision,explore,and use different aspects of Pakistani culture to create ceramics.Modernize the concept of cultural identity.For centuries,in Pakistan,ceramics has been a unique art form of traditional ceramic tiles,which represents a symbol of tradition,culture and religious status.At the same time,the identity of the artist and its influence is gradually appearing in the form of ceramic art as well,the concepts expressed by modern artists are also challenging the norms and limitations of Pakistani ceramic art.
Keywords/Search Tags:Modern ceramic art, Pakistani ceramic art, cultural identity, self-cultural identity
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