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On The Semantics Of Lines In Works Of Art

Posted on:2022-08-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B MaFull Text:PDF
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In the evolution of art,there are many forms of artistic expression,no matter which one,they all carry a certain meaning.It is a kind of psychological suggestion formed by the artist before making works of art.It may be a conscious performance or an unconscious performance.These are the drivers of the artist's work.In the process of viewing the exhibition,viewers will try to interpret the works.The author is telling the viewers some concepts and injecting them into the work.From the expression form of the work,the use of materials,and the direction of the theme,they will form a work of art.The work conveys the author's ideas.Due to the diversity of forms,this article mainly explains the meaning expressed by the use of "line" in artistic works.Whether in the West or the East,lines are used in painting.What are their similarities? What is the difference? All are closely related to different life backgrounds and social forms.There are various forms of work related to "line" in contemporary works.It can be a line expressed on paper or canvas with pen and ink in a painting,a material line in installation works,or a video work.Virtual line.In terms of visual experience,the audience can experience and attract different degrees.It may be due to its exquisiteness or its heavy weight.Such different expression methods are closely related to the artist's heart.The second judgment conveyed,and finally can be expressed in an accurate form,so that each line has its unique charm.
Keywords/Search Tags:thread, cure, repetition, meaning
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