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A Study Of The Thought Of Thomas More Tingchen

Posted on:2019-11-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J TaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2515306479476564Subject:Medieval History of the Ancient World
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The author of "Utopia",the originator of the Utopian Socialist Thought Thomas More was a famous Renaissance writer and thinker.He is also a devout Catholic and a prominent courtier and statesman.His life experiences,writings and ideological system are closely related to the overall situation of Britain in the late 15 th century to the first half of the 16 th century.At that time,the British nation-state formed,the Tudor monarchy gradually expanded,and the Renaissance movement flourished.More's student career coincided with the rapid spread of the humanist trend in Britain.The humanistic education background in his youth was the origin of his ideological essence in his future writings.More's official experience and the political and social changes he experienced have great enlightenment for his future creation,and also created the courtiers' thoughts scattered in his various works.From his rich writings,Department for the current and future generations of courtiers and officials to develop guidelines for behavior,More for his ideal courtiers set some of the most basic ability requirements and higher standards of quality training.In More's opinion,the courtier must first be proficient in the humanities knowledge,which helps to improve people's minds and enhance their ability of judgment and judgment.The courtiers should actively offer advice and suggestions to the monarchs,dare to be blunt and advise,and guide the monarchs to abstain from evil So as to ensure the healthy development of the country.In view of the autocratic character of the Tudor,More also expressed the idea that the courtiers should always be cautious.In addition to the low-level ability requirements,More also Tingmen's standards up to the level of quality training.In his opinion,the courtiers should have loyal qualities.Apart from political loyalty in the general sense,he also emphasized his loyalty to God,and the latter was even more crucial.The relationship between the two eventually became difficult to reconcile,leaving him in a contradictory position Like other northern humanists,More has always been dedicated to condemning tyranny.He places great emphasis on the moral character of politicians,but differs somewhat from his modern morality that is politically and practically It left room for maneuver,which was closely linked with the political situation in England at the time.In addition,it can be found through comparison that the concept of courtiers in More has many similarities with those in Castiglione's famous masterpiece,courtesy of courtiers.In summary,both are full of humanism and perfectionism,There are also some differences at the same time.More is a controversial historical figure.There are dualistic characteristics in many aspects of his thinking.For example,in the quality of courtiers,both political loyalty and religious loyalty require both political morality and political pragmatism.Conflicting pursuits indicate that he wants to take care of both aspects of things in order to achieve the integrity of(Integrity).The perfection behind this perfection is actually the neo-Platonic glory.Secondly,under the background of great social change,More's personal ideological contradictory feature is in fact a portrayal of the turning point of the times.This contradiction is a collision between new and old,progress and conservatism.
Keywords/Search Tags:Thomas More, Courtier thought, Tudor dynasty, Renaissance
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