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Baudrillard's Research On Consumer Society Theory And Contemporary Art Issues

Posted on:2021-04-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2515306194951099Subject:Art theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Jean Baudrillard's theory of consumer society is based on the highly developed economy of late capitalism.He believes that consumer society is a super real society composed of symbols.The great abundance of material materials leads to the substitution of "Symbolic Exchange" for "exchange of things".Symbolic value logic prevails,and the reality no longer exists.As a new noumenon,symbols occupy an absolute position and manipulate Consumer society.In such an era,art changes in concept and form,showing a trend of diversification and popularization.As the main body of social and artistic activities,people are gradually lost in the desire of consumption.The purpose of consumption is no longer to meet the actual needs of their own survival,but to pursue the symbolic value behind the goods.The development of mass media and digital information technology has resulted in the proliferation of images,and the aesthetic value of art has also been dispelled.The artistic field is also occupied by the symbolic consumption value,and the artistic consumption has become the pursuit According to the status of symbol consumption;art fell into the mire of Commerce,became the conspirator of the times,lost its unique value,contemporary art is facing a huge challenge,human beings are facing a huge crisis of faith.Based on Baudrillard's theory of consumer society,this paper analyzes the development status and predicament of contemporary art,analyzes the practical problems in the field of contemporary art through systematic theory,draws lessons from Baudrillard's critical and forward-looking ideas,and reminds people who are confused by fame and wealth and desire to guard against the trap of consumption,and emphasizes the historical mission of art,and is committed to the restoration of the critical and negative nature of art To realize the liberation of human beings.
Keywords/Search Tags:Baudrillard, consumer society, contemporary art, symbol
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