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Life, Pain And Spiritual Expression

Posted on:2021-04-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S WuFull Text:PDF
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The artist's creative practice runs through his whole life.Under different social circumstances and background of the times,his works will evolve into extremely unique and different faces.Among these evolving styles,there is a n artistic form based on the artist's "unconscious" state,which originates fro m the most sincere and transparent expression of the artist's heart.For Tian Shixin,a sculptor,his life in Guizhou lasted for 25 years,the historical change s in the 1970s and 1980s,and even the influence of the Second World War o n his life and destiny had a profound impact on his creation.When he came t o the remote Guizhou area,Tian Shixin's psychology changed dramatically.He presented the evolution of his mood through the materialization of artistic creation.Therefore,each of his works can reflect his different life experience s,psychological changes and personality characteristics in different periods,and also show the macro social background and the evolution of th e times.In this paper,from the perspective of art psychology,combined with the met hod of iconology,the author analyzes the style evolution of Tian Shixin's wor ks of art in Guizhou.Through the method of literature review and interview wi th the artist,the author reveals the "left behind pain" in the artist's heart by an alyzing and combing the artist's sculpture creation,so as to analyze,appreci ate and interpret the code of the personal spiritual world in Mr.T ian Shixin's art works.This paper is divided into three parts.Firstly,it summarizes the theme of pain in Tian Shixin's sculpture works,its style origin and artistic achievements,to r eveal the hidden psychological pain behind Tian Shixin's sculpture works;sec ondly,it makes a deep psychological analysis of the pain left behind in Tian S hixin's special life circumstances,to clarify Tian Shixin's creation communicat ion and his life experience center in Guizhou Finally,it discusses the enlighte nment and influence of Tian Shixin on the creation of young sculptors,and reflects on the social life and the artists' own artistic creation practice Relationship.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tian shixin, Guizhou, Sculpture style, Theme of pain, Psychology
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