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The Original Script "Shhh!" From The Perspective Of Analytical Psychology Hear It Says Characterization Study

Posted on:2021-01-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R KongFull Text:PDF
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My original script "Shhh! Listen to It" is a modern urban film with fantasy.It tells about a lonely girl who lost her family in an accident and unexpectedly gained super ability to talk to animals.Her long solitary life made her She became more and more autistic,and she entered a pet hospital by chance.Although she first entered the workplace,she repeatedly encountered obstacles,but also slowly grew up with her own super powers and gradually overcame her personality defects,and finally harvested the story of friendship and love.Using "Shh!Listen to It Speaking " as the text,the role modeling is discussed and studied from the perspective of analytical psychology.The first chapter is the introduction,which mainly introduces the background and significance of the script creation,sorts out the previous pet film and television works and script innovations,the research methods used,the script story outline,the character settings and their relationships,etc.Thesis writing laid the foundation.The second chapter explains the major personality types of the characters in the original script.In Jung's analytical psychology,he first divided people's mentality into introversion and extraversion,and then divided people's psychological functions into four parts:emotion,Thinking,feeling,intuition.Finally,the two mindsets and four mental functions are combined to form eight different psychological types,each of which represents a type of personality image.The setting of the main characters in the play is from this Extracted from eight personality types and analyzed one by one in a person's psychological ups and downs and behavior changes.The third chapter explains the in-depth shaping of a single character in the original script.Taking the main character Gu Yao as an example,he uses the collective unconscious archetype theory in analytical psychology to analyze the personality mask,shadow,Animus,Four prototypes such as the wise old man.Come to explore Gu Yao's fake self in the real world and the traumatic real self in the heart,including her grandma and pet dog Chunchun who inspired her,and the man Qiao Huan she loves.Use this to study Gu Yao's deeper inner world.The fourth chapter explains the significance of analyzing the relationship between psychology and character modeling,that is,the significance and value of character modeling research using this theory,mainly from the perspective of breadth,depth and cultural production of character modeling.First,Jung's eight personality types can shape diverse and typical character types.Secondly,in terms of depth,Jung's collective unconscious theory can shape a fuller personality type.When shaping the shadow of a character,it introduces events that occur in social reality and topics that people are keen to discuss,reflecting people's emotional life status and The moral concept has a certain realistic and critical significance,and also makes the character image closer to social reality.Finally,in terms of cultural production,the shaping of characters also reflects mass cultural production from the side,with consumer culture and youth subcultures as the representatives.The full text aims to deepen the deep understanding of the original script "Shhh!Listen to It" through the analysis of the perspective of the psychology school.In our psychological structure,through the use of the prototype in the collective unconscious,the script awakens an image buried deep in people's subconsciousness.This image transcends the individual and exists in the public mind to a certain extent.Being able to gain universal recognition and arouse people's spiritual resonance and deep thinking.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Hush! Listen to it", Analytical Psychology, Archetype, Characterization
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