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Research On The Correlation Between Hb Level And Emotional Changes Based On Emotion-induced Experiments

Posted on:2021-08-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2514306305958359Subject:Diagnostics of Chinese Medicine
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The theory of emotion in traditional Chinese medicine believes that the realization of emotional activities and functions requires the support of blood moistening and nourishing,because of emotional activity closely related to the functional state of organs qi and blood.If the human body is plenty of blood and blood vessels are harmonized,the spirit can be smooth.The theory of emotion in traditional Chinese medicine has many similarities with the emotions of psychology.With the development of study technology,psychological research has found that emotion regulation is related to many factors.In recent years,some scholars have found that emotion regulation is related to red blood cells and a variety of hemoglobin-related indicators,and more studies have found that red blood cell maturation and differentiation are related to the miR-191-Riok3-Mxi1 gene pathway.Overexpression of miRNA-191 can block erythrocyte chromatin condensation and nuclear removal by knocking down the Riok3 and Mxi1 genes,hindering the maturation and differentiation of red blood cells,leading to anemia in humans.Nourishing blood and calming the nerves is one of the common and effective treatment methods for treating emotional diseases.However,there is a lack of research on the relationship between hemoglobin and emotions,and the characteristics of emotional states in people with anemia and blood deficiency.In this study,women with different Hb levels from 18 to 30 years old were selected as the research objects to conduct physical and mental health surveys.The psychological emotional video induction experiment method,ELISA method,and fluorescent quantitative PCR technology were used to explore the characteristics of emotional performance and the anemia intrinsic biological characteristics,explore the inner biological mechanism related to red blood cells and emotions,and provide data support for the theory of blood and emotion in TCM.Research purpose1.Analyze the characteristics and differences of the physical and mental health conditi on of the subjects with different Hb levels.2.Analyze the characteristics and differences of subjective responses of subjects with different Hb levels after emotional induction.3.Analyze the emotion related biological indicators,miR-191,Riok3,Mxi1 gene expre ssion characteristics of subjects with different Hb levels.4.To explore the biological basis of TCM theory of blood and emotion.Research Method1.Research subjects screening and mental and physical condition investigationQuestionnaires were distributed among female college students at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine to screen 18-30 year-old women who met the conditions for anemia,blood deficiency and health enrollment,and organized subjects for medical examination.Finally,candidates who meet the inclusion criteria are selected for inclusion in this study.Use the self-made health questionnaire and Symptom Checklist 90(SCL-90)of the research group to conduct physical and mental health surveys on the enrolled subjects,establish and save a database through Excel,and use Spss23.0 for statistical analysis.Explore and analyze the characteristics of the physical and mental condition of subjects with different Hb levels.2.Experiment of emotional video inductionSelect the video with joy and anger as the experimental video.Subjects were organized to conduct emotional video induction experiments from 1 to 7 days after menstruation.The subjects filled out the subjective assessment questionnaire and emotional self-assessment scale after the end of each video.Establish and save the database through Excel,and use Spss23.0 for statistical analysis to analyze the emotional induction of the three groups of subjects.3.Biological characteristics of mood changesDuring the Medical examination,the venous blood of the subject was collected and centrifuged to obtain plasma.The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA)was used to detect the levels of mood-related monoamine neurotransmitters 5-HT,ACTH and BDNF.Fluorescence quantitative PCR technology was used to detect the gene expression levels of subjects,miR-191,Riok3 and Mxi1,and the database was established and saved through Excel.Statistical analysis was performed using Spss23.0 to explore and summarize the biological basic characteristics of subjects with different Hb levels.Research result1.Investigation of physical and mental conditionsIn terms of physical and mental questionnaire,the anemia group scored 52.46±2.74 points,the blood deficiency group scored 55.53±3.31 points,and the healthy group scored 32.87±2.52 points.The scores of the anemia group and the blood deficiency group were significantly higher than those of the healthy group,and there was no statistically significant difference between the anemia group and the blood deficiency group.The items with higher frequency in the anemia group include "fear of cold","limb weakness" and "dizziness".The items with a higher frequency in the blood-deficiency group include "fear of cold","limb weakness" and "eye astringency",suggesting that people with anemia or the blood-deficiency group are more likely to appear "fear of cold","dizziness" and "limb weakness" because of blood loss.In the symptom self-rating scale(SCL-90),the anemia group scored 68.69±13.53 points,the blood deficiency group scored 67.90±9.01 points,and the healthy group scored 27.70±3.89 points.The scores of the anemia group and the blood deficiency group were significantly higher than those of the healthy group(P<0.01),and there was no significant difference between the anemia group and the blood deficiency group(P>0.05).The anemia group and the blood deficiency group had higher scores for somatization,obsessive-compulsive symptoms,depression,anxiety,hostility,paranoia,psychosis,and additional factors than the healthy group,indicating that the anemia group and the blood deficiency group were more likely to appear physical discomfort,obsessive,depression,anxiety and other psychological problems.2.Experiment of emotional video inductionWatching 3 videos caused different levels of emotional responses.The video stage had a significant main effect in the emotional induction experiment.Regarding the overall dimensions of emotion,the three groups of subjects had the same change in overall dimensions of emotions after watching 3 videos.After watching the pleasure video,the pleasure degree is the highest;after watching the angry video,the dominance and arousal are the highest,and the pleasure is the lowest;after watching the neutral video,the dominance and the arousal are the lowest.In terms of the specific dimensions of emotions,the three groups of subjects had the same changes in the specific dimensions of emotions after watching 3 videos.The pleasure emotion score was the highest after watching the pleasure video,the calm emotion score was the highest after watching the neutral video,and the anger,disgust,sadness,and fear emotion were the highest after watching the anger video.3.Biological characteristicsThe difference in 5-HT levels among the three groups was statistically significant(P=0.019<0.05).The blood deficiency group(120.063±74.301)was lower than the anemia group(189.684±123.221)and the healthy group(163.977±71.036).There was no significant difference in BDNF levels among the three groups(P=0.416>0.05).There was no significant difference in ACTH levels among the three groups(P=0.893>0.05).This indicates that the mental state of the blood-deficiency population may be related to the content of 5-HT.There is no statistical difference in the content of BDNF and ACTH among the three groups of subjects in this study,which may be related to the small sample size in this study.The expression level of miRNA-191(2.974±0.905)in the anemia group was the highest among the three groups of subjects,followed by the blood deficiency group(1.657±0.613),the lowest in the healthy group(1.062±0.30),and the expression level of the miRNA-191 gene in the three groups There were significant statistical differences(P<0.01);the healthy group had the highest expression of Riok3(1.088±0.223),followed by the blood deficiency group(0.820±0.177),the anemia group(0.543±0.117)had the lowest,and the three groups had the expression of Riok3 There were significant statistical differences(P<0.01);the healthy group(1.020±0.23)had the highest Mxil expression,followed by the blood deficiency group(0.820±0.177),the anemia group(0.58±0.132)had the lowest,and the three groups had Mxil expression significant statistical difference(P<0.01).Research conclusionPeople with anemia and blood deficiency cause dysfunction qi activities of viscera due to blood deficiency,leading to symptoms such as "more dreams","fear of cold","palpitation","limb weakness" and "dizziness".Compared with the healthy group,people with anemia and blood deficiency are more likely to have various symptoms than those in the healthy group,and are more prone to psychological problems such as obsessive-compulsive symptoms,depression,and anxiety.The results of this study found that the main effect of the overall dimension and specific dimension of emotion in the emotional induction experiment was not obvious,indicating that the hemoglobin level tended to have a smaller effect on the subjective response induced by emotion.Emotional video has obvious main effects in the overall dimensions of emotions and specific dimensions of emotions.Watching 3 videos caused the subject's dominant emotion.The blood self-assessment scale of the blood deficiency group scored high,and the level of 5-HT was low,suggesting that 5-HT has a certain correlation with the mood of the blood deficiency population.There was no significant correlation between hemoglobin level and monoamine neurotransmitter expression.The expression of miRNA-191 in the anemia group was significantly higher than that in the blood-deficiency group and anemia group,and the expression levels of the genes Riok3 and Mxi1 were significantly lower than that in the blood-deficiency group and the healthy group.This research enriches the understanding of the relationship between blood and emotion in TCM,supplements the research content of clinical research in TCM theory of emotion,studies the characteristics of anemia and blood deficiency in psychology,and explores the relationship between blood and emotion in TCM.The biological mechanism of emotional correlation provides certain data support for the research of traditional Chinese emotional science.
Keywords/Search Tags:blood, emotion, mood, experiment of emotional video induction, biological basis
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