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Analysis Of The Impact Of The New Leasing Standards On The Investment And Financing Of My Country's Shipping Enterprises

Posted on:2021-01-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y CuiFull Text:PDF
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As the economy continues to develop,more and more companies choose leasing to reduce their operating costs.Leasing plays an increasingly important role,the reliability of financial information is becoming more and more important for investors and other stakeholders,and leasing accounting standards are constantly being improved.In January 2016,the IASB(International Accounting Standards Board)announced the official release and implementation of IFRS 16.Under this standard,financial leases and operating leases are no longer separately measured.Instead,a single right-of-use model is used to handle leasing operations.This model separately recognizes right-of-use assets and leases for short-term leases and low-value asset leases.Lease liabilities,which means that operating leases need to be disclosed in the balance sheet,as are financial leases.The issuance of IFRS 16 has accelerated the revision of the Ministry of Finance's lease accounting standards.The Ministry of Finance issued the revised "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.21-Leases" on December 7,2018,which is consistent with the IFRS 16 standard.Shipping companies have a high proportion of leased assets,and are one of the industries that are heavily affected by the reform of the guidelines.This article uses literature analysis method,comparative analysis method and case analysis method to make a comparative analysis of the lease criteria before and after the revision,and to study the impact of the new lease criteria on the investment and financing of shipping companies with relatively high lease assets.First,introduce the basic situation and current situation of COSCO SHIPPING.Secondly,analyze the changes in the financial statements and financial indicators of enterprises under the new standard,and then analyze the impact and economic consequences of the new leasing standard on COSCO SHIPPING's investment and financing.Put forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions.This article is divided into the following six parts:The first part is an introduction,firstly,the research background and significance of the research are explained,secondly,the research status of the domestic and foreign research on the revision of the leasing standard is summarized,and finally,the research content,thinking framework,research methods and innovations of this paper are introduced.The second part is the introduction of the relevant contents of the leasing standard,introducing the important concepts and theories involved in this article,the defects of the old leasing standard,and the main changes of the new leasing standard.The third part is the case introduction and status quo.Introduced the general situation of shipping industry and the situation of COSCO SHIPPING.The fourth part is the analysis of the impact of the reform of the new leasing standard on COSCO Haikong's investment financing.By analyzing the changes in shipping company's financial statement data and financial indicators under the new leasing standard,the impact of the new leasing standard on COSCO SHIPPING's investment and financing and the economic consequences of the revised standard will be analyzed.The fifth part is the countermeasures and suggestions for shipping enterprises.The sixth part,according to the new leasing standards,research and analysis of the impact of investment and financing of the shipping industry represented by COSCO SHIPPING,and draws case conclusions and enlightenment.
Keywords/Search Tags:New lease guidelines, Right of use model, Shipping industry, Right to use assets, Lease liabilities
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