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Research On Xi Jinping's Green Development Thought

Posted on:2018-01-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2511305162465024Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After the party in the third Plenary Session of the 11 th CPC Central Committee,our party shifted the focus of work to economic construction,and led our country gradually to realize the transition from backward agricultural country to industrialized country,The economic development and the progress of science and technology has made remarkable achievements.However,in China's science and technology change rapidly,industrialization rapid development at the same time,there are many new problems,including the problem of energy shortage,environmental pollution and ecological degradation,the contradiction between man and nature is gradually increased,the ecological civilization is highly valued,green development has become an inevitable choice China's economic and social development.For the first time,the party's eighteen largest ecological civilization construction has been integrated into the overall layout of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics,and the party's new concept of green development was put forward for the first time in the fifth Plenary Session of the 18 th CPC Central Committee.The idea of green development,Xi Jinping is based on the economic development of the new normal,summarizes the domestic and foreign development experience,present situation China development,solve development problems,change the mode of development,and put forward a new development concept.This is the innovation and development of Marx's concept of development and the development of methods,to achieve the "two one hundred year" goal of our country,realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese dream China has very important practical significance.The contradiction between human and nature,which is gradually aggravated by industrialization and informatization,has become a serious obstacle to the sustained and healthy development of China's economy and society.The idea of green development Xi Jinping advocates changing the mode of economic development,the establishment of ecological security and development of the new system,with technological change and improve the system for support,provides an important follow to promote China's sustained and healthy economic and social development.This paper will use the research method of Marx's realistic,and the reference of domestic and international green development theory research,analysis and research of several generations of leaders of our party's green development thought,summarize significant contribution of Xi Jinping to the development of green ideas,explore the Countermeasures Chinese to achieve green development,reveal Chinese realize the harmonious economic and ecological development the basic path,people and natural harmonious development.The main part of this text has four parts:The first part summarizes the Xi Jinping green development concept to form the main basis.Are summarized from two aspects of theory and practice,to understand Xi Jinping's idea of green development,the main contents about Xi Jinping mining development of the concept of open green ideas.The second part,the basic content of the system generalizes Xi Jinping green development concept,clarify Xi Jinping three ideas about the development of green,with eighteen years relevant social development based on the theory of Xi Jinping's construction of the idea of green development framework and content and development of ideas.The third part,in the development of green system to master the basic idea of Xi Jinping on the important theoretical value and practical summary of Xi Jinping green development concept that emphasizes the value of Xi Jinping,the idea of green development is the development of the ecological doctrine of Marx,to build a well-off society and building beautiful Chinese provide basic follow,not only has important theoretical and practical value.But the important domestic and international significance.The fourth part,in the comprehensive exposition of Xi Jinping green development idea and important value of basically,to further clarify the important thought of Xi Jinping about the green development path,which emphasizes the idea of green development is not only the Chinese crack development problem of scientific theory,and promote the sustained and healthy development of the future China correct ideas.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xi Jinping, Green development, Rational consciousness, social cognition
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