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Emotional Ideographic Appeal And Interaction In Children's Food Packaging

Posted on:2022-12-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2481306749957579Subject:Theory of Industrial Economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of economy and society,people have a certain degree of pursuit of living standards.In recent years,parents pay more attention to the growing process of children.Items in the process of growth of the reach of children,there are all kinds of children's food packaging is the most frequent are exposed in the process of children's growing up a,parents for the food eaten by children from decades ago "to eat" into "eating well",now,however,the packaging should play to the educational potential of is often ignored,most packaging are use namely,It does not have long-term practical functions.The reason for this phenomenon is that packaging designers do not put themselves in the user's position and only design the food packaging they think is good.The parent group tends to be younger.As the main consumers of children's food,this young parent group has a very wide acceptance of innovative children's food packaging.This paper adopts the method of investigation,literature research,empirical research,inductive summary and practical observation to study the emotional ideographic appeal and interaction of children's food packaging,focusing on endows children's food packaging with vitality and makes a breakthrough in the function of children's food packaging.This research is divided into four chapters.The first chapter describes the source and significance of the research,focuses on the analysis of the development status of children's food packaging emotional ideographic appeals and interactive design at home and abroad,and makes clear the research content,research methods and innovation points.The second chapter mainly analyzes the children's food packaging,the current situation of children's food packaging analysis,focusing on the children's food packaging market and the existing problems of children's food packaging to analyze;The third chapter is the key chapter of this study,focusing on the analysis of emotional ideographic appeal and interactive design,from the concept of emotional ideographic appeal and the role and significance of children's food packaging analysis;Interactive design is analyzed from three aspects: the unconscious influence brought by users in the process of using,the inner connection with children's food packaging and the principle of children's food packaging under the concept of interactive design,and the inner connection between emotional ideographic appeal and interactive design.The fourth chapter is the practice part,is also a difficult sections,the difficulty lies in the combination of the "full grain rich" children's food brands will emotional appeal of expression and interaction design into the children's food packaging design,to arouse children's exploring the unknown,through experiential,educational,and interactive design of children's food packaging,on the basis of satisfying practical and functional,Increase its interest,wisdom and reusable,give children's food packaging new vitality.
Keywords/Search Tags:children's food packaging, emotional ideographic appeal, interactive
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