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The Application Of Post Apocalypse Style In Fashion Design

Posted on:2021-09-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J X YeFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a youth subculture,post Apocalypse style appears rapidly in people's field of vision,and gradually develops and matures,forming a distinctive artistic style.This paper is divided into four stages: the first stage analyzes the social background and development trend of post Apocalypse style;the second stage studies the relationship between the aesthetic connotation of post Apocalypse style and clothing,and points out that the ruin aesthetics under the doomsday,punk modeling with hard core and the patchwork aesthetics of the times are its artistic features,among which,the doomsday ruins aesthetics from the perspective of the East and the west is carried out In the third stage,after having a relatively complete concept of post Apocalypse style connotation,the author uses the design method of "driving the whole with part" in fashion design with the understanding of post Apocalypse style from the Oriental perspective;the fourth stage discusses the cultural value of post Apocalypse style.
Keywords/Search Tags:Post Apocalypse style, ruins aesthetics, fashion design
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