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CPA Audit Responsibility Definition

Posted on:2021-07-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ZhouFull Text:PDF
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One of the root causes of audit is the separation of ownership and management power.The main work of modern enterprise auditors is to supervise,evaluate and examine the series of economic activities carried out by enterprise management.From this point of view,there is a clear "fiduciary responsibility relationship" between auditors and shareholders.Accounting firms,auditors are independent of the company's third-party supervision agencies,personnel,they in the economic market environment to assume the "economic police" this important responsibility,because of the public,shareholders,local government,regulators also have certain responsibilities,so they also have to assume the corresponding audit responsibility.In the context of economic globalization.The growth of the securities market has also led to a number of frauds,such as the collapse of the internationally renowned Andaxin accounting firm and the forced dissolution of the Shenzhen-based Pengcheng accounting firm.In addition,the outbreak of fraud scandals such as Kangdexin,Kangmei pharmaceutical industry,also let the public lose trust in firms and certified public accountants,not only reputation damage,but also need to bear the corresponding legal responsibility.As a result,people pay more and more attention to the auditor's audit responsibility,and many scholars in China Dedicated to the audit responsibility of the content of the study,which contains how to judge the CPA audit responsibility and so on.The scholars conclude that the audit responsibility is divided into two parts,one is the audit professional responsibility,the other is the audit legal responsibility,which also means that the accounting firm and the certified public accountant should not only maintain the rigorous work attitude,but also strictly follow the requirements of the laws and regulations in the actual work process,so as to achieve "the law must be followed and the law must be prosecuted" in the real sense.This paper firstly introduces the background and significance of the thesis,and studies the classical literature of scholars at home and abroad.Finally,it also draws the relevant theoretical knowledge of CPA audit responsibility,such as: how to define CPA audit responsibility correctly;how to distinguish CPA audit professional responsibility,the difference of legal responsibility,and the dialectical relationship between the two.Secondly,based on the definition and understanding of the CPA's audit professional responsibility and legal responsibility,the author makes a concrete analysis on the violation of professional ethics in the audit process of Ruihua Through an in-depth understanding of the concept of "reasonable grasp ",it is found that in the administrative reconsideration stage,the definition of audit responsibility by Ruihua firm is inconsistent with the opinions put forward by the CSRC,and then summarizes the object of the definition of audit responsibility and the legal problems of the definition of audit responsibility in the case of Huaze Cobalt Nickel.Finally,in view of the problems in the case,from the CPA individual,accounting firm and other four aspects of targeted suggestions.In addition to applying the case analysis method,the article also fully combines the practical operation,and puts forward a comparison on the difficulty of defining the audit responsibility of CPA in our country a unique personal perspective.
Keywords/Search Tags:Audit responsibility, Certified public accountant, Definition of audit responsibility, Professional responsibility
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