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Urban agriculture: Examining the intersection between agriculture and high-rise living

Posted on:2015-02-20Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:University of Maryland, College ParkCandidate:Zeldis, Eric MFull Text:PDF
Traditionally, agriculture and the urban environment have been separated; however, new thought and experimentation reveal there exists a symbiotic relationship between the two. The implementation of agriculture into our public and private spaces can provide urbanites with a series of benefits that foster new communities. This thesis examines how urban agriculture can be utilized within the Hudson Yards Development in New York City. The focus of the thesis is the design of an experimental high-rise apartment building that utilizes common architectural elements as a means to produce food. The complex seeks to provide for itself by taking advantage of the natural symbiotic relationship between plants and people. Ultimately, the thesis argues that the act of growing food in urban areas can transform our approach to urban development and enable people to become self-sufficient by using urban and architectural design as teaching tools about food.
Keywords/Search Tags:Agriculture
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