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Illustrative leadership in the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.: An analysis of the ministry of Caesar Arthur Walter Clark, Sr

Posted on:2015-06-20Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Dallas Baptist UniversityCandidate:McCowan, Leon CFull Text:PDF
GTID:2479390017490962Subject:African American Studies
The purpose of this humanities (biographical, historical and philosophical) study was to analyze the ministerial leadership of Caesar Arthur Walter Clark, Sr. (C. A. W. Clark). The thesis of this dissertation was that C. A. W. Clark's philosophy of ministry, expressed from the pulpit and lived out in his service to the church and the community, significantly shaped pastors, preachers, and other leaders associated with the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. (NBC, USA). Surveys, face-to-face interviews and phone interviews were used to establish an oral history pertaining to Clark. Information analyzed from books, booklets, magazines, journals, newspapers and other sources provided the content to address and evaluate Clark from a pastoral, community, preaching and overall leadership context. Recommendations were made about succession planning and leadership transitions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Leadership, Clark, Usa
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