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Interactive Big Data Visualization: A Better Way for Understanding Geographic-Temporal Data

Posted on:2016-03-19Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Nebraska at OmahaCandidate:Seibt, GeorgFull Text:PDF
GTID:2478390017478838Subject:Information Technology
Companies and organizations have acknowledged the value of geographic-temporal da-ta. Therefore, the amount of geographic-temporal data, collected by them, is constantly growing, and they are now facing the challenge to analyze this data and to retrieve val-uable knowledge from the data. In the past, various data visualization methods have proven to be useful for the analysis. Therefore, this thesis is intended to evaluate differ-ent visualization methods and to suggest valuable methods for geographic-temporal da-ta. The thesis will also elucidate the challenges and opportunities associated with data visualization. It will further discuss the complexity of geographic-temporal data, and thereby, introduce a differentiation of geographic-temporal data into the concepts "sin-gle-location-geodata" and "bi-location-geodata". Furthermore, a focus of the research will be on the use of interactive functionalities for data visualization. The center of the thesis will be the implementation of a visualization tool with different visualization methods for "bi-location-geodata". A final case study will demonstrate the usability of the methods and reveal interesting patterns in a dataset about domestic US flights.
Keywords/Search Tags:Data, Methods
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