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Non Profit Sustainability Through Program Expansion at the Haida Gwaii Higher Education Societ

Posted on:2018-11-02Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Royal Roads University (Canada)Candidate:Seegmiller, LindsayFull Text:PDF
GTID:2477390020457516Subject:Organizational Behavior
This inquiry project explored how the Haida Gwaii Higher Education Society (HGHES) could expand place-based learning programming to the community of Port Clements/Gamadiis Llnagaay (PC/GL). Inquiry participants were HGHES employees and PC/GL community members. This inquiry followed the methodology of Action Research with an appreciative stance, and used a mixed methods approach combining a focus group, interviews and a final directed conversation. Data from each method informed the subsequent, and ultimately led to the development of recommendations presented back to HGHES. These recommendations demonstrated the potential for HGHES programming in PC/GL, particularly if all parties are thoroughly engaged in the change process. Specifically, this inquiry revealed the benefits that would ensue from a thorough internal assessment of organizational readiness, and the formation of a community-organizational advisory team. Consistent throughout this report were themes of understanding individual and organizational readiness for change, and how participatory processes can enhance capacity for change.
Keywords/Search Tags:HGHES, Inquiry
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