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Cultivating the campus productive strategies for the University of Washington's educational landscap

Posted on:2017-04-10Degree:Master'Type:Thesis
University:University of WashingtonCandidate:Li, JennieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2477390017964850Subject:Landscape architecture
With the urban population forecasted to continue expanding, simultaneously distancing individuals from the environmental impacts of their consumption, two fundamental priorities are becoming clear: how will we sustainably provide for ourselves, and how will we educate each other? This thesis explores what a campus-wide manifestation of a productive and educational ethic might look like in the landscape of the University of Washington, Seattle campus. It synthesizes the needs of the UW Farm, a grounded, practicing organization that grows food in multiple locations on the campus, and makes the case for broad cooperation in innovative education. Using a Participatory Action Research approach and interdisciplinary theories, this thesis examines project precedents, identifies opportunities, and suggests potential pathways to realize productive educational projects on the campus landscape.
Keywords/Search Tags:Campus, Productive, Educational
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