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Prejudice, Pride, and Policy: Xenophobia and Nationalisms Effect on Immigration Policy

Posted on:2016-03-04Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Webster UniversityCandidate:Morrison, AmandaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2476390017985904Subject:International Law
Abstract: The topic of xenophobia is a growing concern in today's world. In the study we will look at that connection between xenophobia and nationalism's effect on immigration policy, as represented in society through the media. We will explore four Asian nations to see how they are unique from other countries previously studies and how they are similar. This research shows the step by step process of xenophobia to media to policy.;Keywords: S. Korea, Japan, Singapore, China, Xenophobia, Nationalism, Media.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xenophobia, Policy
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