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The relationship between the ways children reproduce basic facts and their later algorithmic proficiency in mathematics

Posted on:1991-08-29Degree:M.EdType:Thesis
University:University of Manitoba (Canada)Candidate:Tay, Huang ChengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2476390017952618Subject:Mathematics Education
This study investigated the relationship between the ways children reproduce basic facts and their subsequent algorithmic proficiency. Seventy-four grade 5 and 6 students who obtained at least a 90% score on a speed-independent basic fact quiz were identified. Data on the four variables were then accumulated for these students. By individual interviews, each student was subsequently assigned a CR ratio, measuring her/his conditioned response ratio; the proportion of basic facts s/he could reproduce without evidence of delay of a statement of a question.;The experimental group then completed as many as possible for the examples from a set of multiplication exercises. It was found in a pilot test that the variables NDONE (The number of exercises completed), NRIGHT (The number of exercises completed correctly), and PERIGHT (NRIGHT/NDONE) were most likely to be productive.;In the main study, each student's CR ratio was determined by interview and each of the above variables was correlated with CR.;The Person correlation coefficients between CR vs NDONE, CR vs NRIGHT, and CR vs PERIGHT are 0.54, 0.64, and 0.51 respectively. Using Bonferroni tests these correlations are found to be statistically significant at an overall alpha of 0.1. It is concluded that the possession of conditioned responses is important for later algorithmic performances.
Keywords/Search Tags:Basic facts, Algorithmic, Reproduce, CR vs
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