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Cancer as a hero's journe

Posted on:2018-01-12Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Pacifica Graduate InstituteCandidate:Niebergall, BrookeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2475390020957396Subject:Counseling psychology
Cancer, as devastating as it can be, can also be a catalyst for transformation. How can clinicians support cancer patients' personal growth during a time when those patients are prone to depression and anxiety? Specifically, how can the myth of the hero's journey, as described by mythologist Joseph Campbell, be used to support the cancer patient? Utilizing hermeneutic, heuristic, and intuitive methods of inquiry, this thesis finds that the three stages of the hero's journey---departure, initiation, and return---parallel not only the psychological experience of cancer in the author but also the three stages of trauma recovery put forth by psychiatrist Judith Herman. Specific interventions are provided, and the thesis demonstrates how the use of guided imagery and active imagination powerfully connects patients to the hero archetype and increases quality of life. The author's personal experience of cancer illustrates the therapeutic potential of engagement with the hero's journey.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cancer, Hero's
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