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Meaning and Art: A Study in the Convergence of Text, Image, and Objec

Posted on:2018-09-06Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Azusa Pacific UniversityCandidate:Greer, Duncan ThomasFull Text:PDF
GTID:2475390020456728Subject:Art history
This thesis looks into the relationship between art and meaning through a survey of three different philosophical turns: The Linguistic Turn (covering the work of Ludwig Wittgenstein), The Pictorial Turn (covering the work of W. J. T. Mitchell), and the Speculative Turn (covering the work of Graham Harman). Each one of these philosophical turns corresponds with a broad way of viewing meaning as Text, Image, or Object; and this study looks into the ways in which each turn overlaps or converges with the others. By exposing these intersections, a method of analysis is created and applied to both early Christian Icons and the Abstract Expressionism of Mark Rothko with a goal of discovering what kind of meaning art produces.
Keywords/Search Tags:Meaning, Art, Covering the work
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