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Waves of Change: An Analysis of Protective Measures at Historically African American Beaches and Their Application to American Beach, Florid

Posted on:2019-09-06Degree:M.S.H.PType:Thesis
University:Clemson UniversityCandidate:Martin, Katie ElizabethFull Text:PDF
GTID:2475390017993394Subject:Black history
The objective of this thesis was to analyze the protective strategies and tools that are available to preserve the historic character of African American beaches across the country. This thesis looks at protective measures available to address the three greatest threats to historic African American beaches: loss from neglect, loss of character from incompatible development, and loss from natural disasters. The potential protective measures were then analyzed to see which measures would be applicable to the protection of American Beach; a historically African American Beach in Florida. The most feasible options for American Beach were taken into consideration and presented as recommendations.
Keywords/Search Tags:African american, American beach, Protective
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