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The Influence of Bi-Culturalism Among the Identity Formation of Latinx Individual

Posted on:2019-12-07Degree:M.S.WType:Thesis
University:California State University, FresnoCandidate:Aguiniga, VanessaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2475390017989379Subject:Social work
Variables such as ethnic identity, social identity, and self-esteem have been found to play a role in the relationship between bi-culturalism and identity. Existing literature suggests that more information is needed to better understand identity formation and the significance of cultural or social group membership. This research study is particularly interested in understanding how Latinx individuals live between two cultures and the influence it may have on their identities. Much of the current literature also fails to incorporate the possible stress encountered by the pressure to preserve one's native language and traditional culture. Therefore, this study considers the significance of native language fluency among North American-born Latinx individuals. Existing literature also illustrates a gap in the impact of acculturative stress and racial microaggressions experienced by younger North American-born Latinx populations such as second-generation or third-generation Latinx. The present study utilizes a qualitative approach to investigate individual Latinx experiences in retaining their ethnic values and customs such as Spanish language fluency and maintaining a bi-cultural identity. Ultimately, this research study suggests that a more comprehensive understanding regarding acculturative stress and the lived bi-cultural experience of Latinx individuals is needed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Latinx, Identity
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