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On the nature of concessivity in predicate focus: A study of sigma in Korean verb doubling and English verb phrase focus

Posted on:2016-07-26Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Michigan State UniversityCandidate:Kim, Taehoon HendrikFull Text:PDF
This thesis studies verb doubling in Korean:;1. It aims to explain why we find implicit concessivity in only one configuration of verb doubling, i.e. contrastive verb doubling.;2. It argues that the features within the Sigma Phrase (Laka 1990) trigger the concessivity.;The corollary of this thesis is twofold:;1. It explains the deep syntactic symmetry between contrastive verb doubling and long form negation structures in Korean.;2. It expands on the analysis of VP focus in English.
Keywords/Search Tags:Doubling, Korean, Concessivity
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