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A historical study of the CCCOWE movement: The first ten years (1976-1986)

Posted on:1989-11-24Degree:Th.MType:Thesis
University:Fuller Theological Seminary, School of World MissionCandidate:Lam, Timothy Loi WaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2475390017956307Subject:Religious history
This historical study uses the eight missiological theses delineated by Dr. Paul E. Pierson in his course "Historical Development of the Christian Movement" as a theoretical framework to evaluate whether the CCCOWE (=Chinese Coordination Center of World Evangelism) Movement fits into this framework as a historical, spiritual movement.;The eight theses are grouped into four pairs of factors: (1) Contextual Factors--Climactic Contextual Conditions and Information Dissemination; (2) Spiritual Factors--Theological Breakthroughs and Spiritual Dynamics; (3) Structural Factors--Modality/Sodality Structures and Mission Structures; (4) Human Factors--A Key Person and Leadership Pattern.;This study concludes that the CCCOWE Movement, as an offshoot of the Lausanne Movement, bears all the ear marks of a historical, spiritual movement. It has been raised up by God in the 70s of the 20th Century as a unique promoter of world evangelization among Chinese churches and Christians in the Diaspora, advocating unity and cooperation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Historical, Movement, CCCOWE
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