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The Grand Veteran Organizations and Their Affiliates Lobbyists and Revolutionarie

Posted on:2019-04-20Degree:A.MType:Thesis
University:Southern New Hampshire UniversityCandidate:Donachie, Adam CFull Text:PDF
The Grand Army of the Republic was a critical and underappreciated organizations that historians view with a narrow lens. Organizations such as the Grand Army of the Republic, United Confederate Veterans and the women's organizations that aligned themselves with these two veterans' organizations developed educational curriculum and traditions that continued in contemporary schools in the United States. The GAR allowed integration, and thus a voice to African-Americans. For women had a social outlet and political influence by associating with both northern and southern veterans. Many times, these details take a back seat to the restrictions these populations faced. Civil War soldiers and veterans brought about changes to United States pension and voting policy. The Union veterans and the Women's Relief and Corps solidified a national identity, while the UCV and the southern women created the Lost Cause which has permeated the American consciousness.;Using primary and secondary sources this paper evaluates the GAR, WRC, UCV, and the Daughters of the Confederacy and the role they had on American society. Many areas these organizations influenced continue to have major impacts on contemporary America. This paper also uses sources view these organizations as having positive and negative influences.
Keywords/Search Tags:Organizations, Grand
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