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The burden of sacrifice: British eugenics and gendercidal autogenocide, 1900-1916

Posted on:2016-04-10Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Florida Gulf Coast UniversityCandidate:Harrison, Christopher LFull Text:PDF
GTID:2475390017478902Subject:European history
The British government committed gendercidal autogenocide in 1916, when eugenicists selected the targeted victim group for intentional partial destruction due to nationality, gender, and class. This work attempts to begin the debate on conscription as a method of deliberate destruction in addition to merely disabling less-valued males of a politically volatile population. The use of eugenic gradations to decide who should die so others may live influenced the conscription policy of Britain's war of attrition. Archival research supports this study of the government administrators and politicians directly involved in the recruitment and deployment of British male workers during World War I.
Keywords/Search Tags:British
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