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'Who is man and what does she say about language?': An analysis of student and instructor discourse about nonsexist language

Posted on:1995-09-20Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:San Jose State UniversityCandidate:Souza, Tasha JFull Text:PDF
We all operate from an implicit theory of language that organizes our views about language and meaning. Although it is logical to assume that such theories would affect language use, their influence on people's views about and use of sexist language has never been researched. The purpose of this study was to examine student and instructor discourse to discover theories people have about language in general, sexist language in particular. The study took a thematic approach and found thirty-four themes and several assumptions about language and pedagogy. The responses centered around two different implicit theories of language--language is a system of signs that we create and use and language is an evolving system of signs that creates us. Students and instructors seemed to agree generally that education is needed about language reform and that promoting language reform would be more effective if it were done without imposing rules.
Keywords/Search Tags:Language, Student and instructor discourse
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