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Similarities and differences between traditional and feminist utopian literature

Posted on:1993-11-19Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:The University of Texas at ArlingtonCandidate:Nicolosi, ReneeFull Text:PDF
Utopian works can be divided into two significant groups: traditional utopian literature which is typically written by men and feminist utopian literature which is typically written by women. Both types of utopian literature make valid statements about society and can be grouped by their similarities and differences.; Because men and women view their relationships with others differently, they focus on different issues in their utopian works. Feminist utopian literature is concerned primarily with individual freedom and happiness. Minority and women's issues such as concepts of power, parenting, sexual relationships, government structure, and intimate interpersonal relationships are dealt with in these novels.; This work examines the similarities and differences of traditional and feminist utopian literature by using Edward Bellamy's work Looking Backward a synthesis of traditional utopian works, and the contemporary feminist works Woman on the Edge of Time by Marge Piercy and The Kin of Ata Are Waiting For You by Dorothy Bryant. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Utopian literature, Traditional, Similarities, Works
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