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Perspectives of music therapists on patients with disabilities in a pediatric medical care setting

Posted on:2015-01-15Degree:M.MType:Thesis
University:The Florida State UniversityCandidate:Meehan, Laura MFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this study was to find the perspective of music therapists working in a pediatric medical care facility on patients with disabilities. Total, there were 40 participants that fit within the parameters of the study. The researcher found the majority of the participants felt comfortable and prepared working with pediatric patients with disabilities, although many (98%) would be interested in further education on this topic. The participants all stated they had both developmental and medical goals for this population. However, most (90%) had some type of change in the way they approached their treatment plan for patients with disabilities. Other results from this study indicated music therapists saw other staff members within medical facilities treat patients with disabilities differently as opposed to those of typical development. Further research should be done in more detail regarding the above findings from this particular study. Limitations of this study included uncertainties regarding the email invitations sent to possible participants. Many responses indicated they did not fit within the parameters even though the researcher had them listed as working in the required setting for this study. Future research should aim for a larger and more accurate pool of participants.
Keywords/Search Tags:Patients with disabilities, Music therapists, Medical, Pediatric, Participants
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