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Neurobiology of Healing Traumatic Brain Injury: Using Music as the Connecting Chord

Posted on:2015-01-29Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Pacifica Graduate InstituteCandidate:Nerdrum, Tamara AFull Text:PDF
GTID:2474390017996507Subject:Counseling psychology
The goal of this thesis is to demonstrate the usefulness of music as a therapeutic tool in the event of traumatic brain injury. After a thorough investigation and exploration on the subject, it has become clear that through a depth psychological approach, music expedites healing on many different levels in the brain, body, and soul. My research begins as a young child collecting data in heuristic style, as I try to understand my own experience of traumatic brain injury. Then through qualitative hermeneutic text based study came answers to the haunting questions of how to include the idea of healing traumatic brain injury in a perspective balanced between art and science. The review of literature provides a trail of scientific evidence showing growth of knowledge in this area and demonstrates the increased need for music, in a vibrational sense, for personal, cultural, and global healing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Music, Traumatic brain injury, Healing
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